Monday, October 25, 2004


To preface this post, I have an insane memory.

Katie and I were talking about boy's last names and what ours would sound like with different guys we've dated. Well, I decided to make and exhaustive list of all the guys I've "dated"...

For this purpose, I am making the "dated" status for those with 2+ dates and starting in sixth grade (which would explain the fairly long list). I do hope I'm not forgetting anybody... oh, and in parenthesis (if applicable) is my commentary on that particular situation.

Colleen Kelly Anderson (first kiss; had color changing mole)
Colleen Kelly Alvarez (this dude was totally into Iron Maiden, weird. And he got me Son-In-Law when it first came out on VHS and then took it back.)
Colleen Kelly Carrasco (this guy rocked- he was a dj and had all these turntables- and this was in 4th grade! too cool for school.)
Colleen Kelly Griffin (kisses on New Years, embarrassed myself in front of his family)
Colleen Kelly Newlin (told me he loved me on our first conversation as "boyfriend/girlfriend"... he's awesome still, though.)
Colleen Kelly Fleming (ok, ok, ok... so we never dated, but I was obsessed with him from 6th grade to the present, so it totally makes the list.)
Colleen Kelly Goodwin (this dude was totally a Nazi.)
Colleen Kelly Gardner (He wrote this poem about being in love with me but said something about how he couldn't have me because I was with his best friend, but yeah, I ended up dating him anyway- I'm a jerk. or, well... we were jerks.)
Colleen Kelly Landerman (longest relationship if you count both times we were together.)
Colleen Kelly Wagner (We're still totally friends, it's wonderful.)
Colleen Kelly Godfrey (Random guy- was the lead singer of this band called Pro-Choice, ugh, and left me for this girl in my band in high school)
Colleen Kelly Heinemann (I think he hates me, but I totally adored him.)
Colleen Kelly Herrera (definitely the most dramatic relationship ever, but we're still cool.)
Colleen Kelly Luna!
Colleen Kelly Cross (another that I never dated, but he's been my best friend for forever, so I'm counting him.)
Colleen Kelly Bucheit (I think he hates me, too.)
Colleen Kelly [Rob] (HOT.)
Colleen Kelly Watson (Haha, this applies for 2 different guys, whoa. D & A)
Colleen Kelly Jackson (Awww... slick Willie.)
Colleen Kelly Minshew (I'm still debating how I feel about this one...oh, Chain, wherefore art thou? Haha.)

Whew! That took some time. DON'T GO FREAKING OUT EVERYBODY- most of these guys were only in my life for like a week, I've only seriously dated way less than a handful. I just included EVERY SINGLE PERSON that I've ever puppy-loved, hung out with romantically, etc. I just thought it would be funny to have a comprehensive list.

Katie and I agree that the one that sounds best is Colleen Kelly Landerman. 'Tis a shame, 'tis a shame.

OH! And I have a free airline ticket to go anywhere that Southwest flies (yes, frequent flyer!) so where should I go? I was thinking of going to Salt Lake City and doing the whole Temple Square thing, but I need to get a hook-up with someone there to pick me up and take me around and crap. Or, I could go to New York and make Chaun house me... or I could go visit Jami in California... I don't know!! or I guess I could visit my parentals in EP, but eh. Help me think.


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