Friday, August 31, 2007

Confirmation I am doing the right thing with my life:

A book that I bought the other day for entertainment is the sole required text for the first class of my Masters degree.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Camping with the ladies!!

So, this past weekend was phenomenal. Rachel, Celeste, Diana and I all went on an impromptu camping trip in New Hampshire. We had hot dogs and s'mores (veggie tin foil dinners for Celeste/Diana - they are vegetarians. Just Rach and I enjoyed the bliss that is a campire hot dog). A good friend of Celeste's owns some great property and we were lucky enough to benefit from this beauty for two wonderful days:

Isn't that amazing? That was the view from our tent. I have never really camped before (I think we went camping a lot when I was little, and I don't think ward campouts and family reunions really count since we have facilities to shower in and the like...)

Here are the ladies that were present... I guess none of us wanted to show our faces.

Celeste and Diana:

Rachel (don't get aggravated at me for posting this - you're beautiful and everyone knows it):

And me (a major bum shot; you can blame this on Celeste who was determined to emphasize my lady lumps):

Sunday, August 26, 2007


For those of you who know me well (or actually... have just talked to me a couple times), you can see why this desktop wallpaper totally made my night!!! It will be a long time before my lovely Macbook shows any other image.

Great camping trip this weekend; pictures forthcoming.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Twilight: A rising fervor to my obsession with vampires...

I have loved vampires since I was little. Its weird, I know, but true. Vampires and pirates. I was a pirate for Halloween, my brothers were vampires. And dang if my mom didn't do the best vampire make-up of all time. In 7th grade, I dated this boy named Jason. My mom made him up as a vampire for our church Halloween party... I was WAY too excited by this; I am pretty sure we kissed a lot that night. In fact, I have noticed that my taste in men is usually of the vampyric nature... tall, slender, brooding, strong jawed, black hair, pale, hard-edged and damaged (this is why I end up with punk or indie rock gentlemen... they usually fit this bill). In fact, here is a pic of my favorite boyfriend of all time, Thomas (ignore the baby fat in my cheeks and my blonde hair). TELL ME HE DOESN'T LOOK LIKE A VAMPIRE?!

Enter present day: Rachel's Books Not Boys Club (of which I am a very proud member - she is the best book club boss of all time, I swear). This month we are reading Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. I have to admit I was pretty skeptical at first. BUT HOLY CRAP IF ITS NOT SUPER HOT!!!! I realize it is a vampire love book set in an after-school special, but I love it. The plot is super predictable. The dialogue is ridiculous. But you should see the excitement that comes over me when I read about Edward Cullen's Volvo. I can't breathe. Those golden eyes! He bosses her around... oh man. My favorite! In two days and hardly any free time, I have read 180 pages. I can't help it. I know my girls feel precisely the same: I have heard as much from Natalie, Julie, Mary, Rachel, Kylee...

The Twilight cover from Japan: I am freaking in LOVE with Edward Cullen and this is exactly as I envision him:

Again, that indie rock hair and brooding eyes! Gets me every single time. Unhealthy obsessions with vampires (and vampyric-like men) have dictated my love life since I was young. I have tried to love the more boy-next-door types, but I just can't. I need the moods! I need the bossing me around! MUST HAVE THE BROODING!!!

I realize this is dysfunctional, but how can I help it when vampires look like this???

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The 11th Hour: Opens in Boston on August 24

Media Press Release:

Leonardo DiCaprio's "The 11th Hour" is a feature length documentary concerning the environmental crises caused by human actions and their impact on the planet. "The 11th Hour" documents the cumulative impact of these actions upon the planet's life systems and calls for restorative action through a reshaping of human activity. With the help of over fifty of the world's most prominent thinkers and activists, including reformer Mikhail Gorbachev, physicist Stephen Hawking, and Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai, "The 11th Hour" documents the grave problems facing the planet's life systems. Global warming, deforestation, mass species extinction, and depletion of the oceans' habitats are all addressed, and their causes rooted in human activity. The combination of these crises call into question the very future not of the planet, but of humanity.

However, the most powerful element of "The 11th Hour" is not a portrait of a planet in crisis, but the offering of hope and solutions. Scientists and environmental advocates such as David Orr and Gloria Flora (note: these names can be interchanged for any of the experts) paint a portrait for a radically new and exciting future in which humanity seeks not to dominate the earth's life systems, but to mimic them and coexist. "The 11th Hour" calls for a future now within our grasp that is both sustainable and healthier.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I absolutely love the Prophet!!!

Gordon B. Hinckley, the President of my church, said the coolest thing (of course, he's amazing):

Our membership in this Church, with eligibility for all of the blessings that flow therefrom, should never be any cause for self-righteousness, for arrogance, for denigration of others, for looking down upon others. All mankind is our neighbor...

Regardless of the color of our skin, of the shape of our eyes, of the language we speak, we all are sons and daughters of God and must reach out to one another with love and concern.

The month of September.

September 1: Move to Somerville with the most beautiful girl this side of the Mississippi.

September 3: Off of work; most likely spending Labor Day trying to put together our apartment; Hopefully taking a break for some tasty Labor Day treats; Raspberry Lime Rickey?

September 7: Journalism Department meeting; all the full-time people in one place at one time. I am nervous; not sure why.

September 10: Begin my Masters degree (yay!; first class: Recording Industry as a Business); Emerson students back in classes (apparently things get CRAZY around here at that point)

September 13: Books Not Boys Club meeting; Ward Temple Baptisms Night

September 14: WISDOM TEETH EXTRACTED (Scared out my mind)


Ok, I am stopping there. Nothing can top the wisdom teeth extraction for me. I am excited to have these puppies out (they are jacking up my teeth and the little sharks are hurting) but I don't want to go through the drugged up stage again. I am crazy on any sort of narcotic/pain killer. Dude, even Codeine made me crazy.

This is the down (up?) side to being a good LDS girl - no tolerance for the sauce (or solid).

Monday, August 20, 2007

From Daniel

So, I received this text tonight; a direct quote:

"You are beautiful, creative, witty, fun, artistic, enigmatic, and musically inclined in ways no other woman is. You're one of the best people I've ever known."

Reason # 87324876 why Texas is freaking rad: Texan boys show the love.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Thanks to the wonderful search that is Technorati, I found a lot of my cousin's blogs! Technorati finds the blogs which link to you; turns out - I have been missing A LOT of what my extended family has been up to! I updated my links so I can keep tabs on ya'll now. Hooray!

Also, if you do a Google search for "Colleen Kelly" - this dear website is the 6th (SIXTH!) result. I am proud of Pokin' the Puddin'... you've come a long way, dear friend.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

You know... sometimes being Mormon can get really lonely.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Juan sent me this FANTASTIC piece of what will soon be web-lore...

HAHA! Make sure your sound is nice and loud. Amazing!

Also, my brother David called me to talk about a song he heard - he flattered me with this quote:

"If I ever have a music question, I just immediately call you."

Now, if that isn't a rad validation for my career, I don't know what is.

Juan and David - I love you. Thank you for brightening my day.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What Sarah Said...

As told to Jenni:

"i pity the man who has the opportunity to have sex with colleen and call her 'baby,' and doesn't. and you can tell her i said that."

My job rocks.

Holy crap if I don't get some great, totally random perks working @ Emerson.

One of the professors in my department came into my office today and asked if I wanted a free ticket to see Pat Benatar this Saturday.

"I forgot I was going on vacation this weekend, so I can't make it. I don't know the seat, but I'm sure its really good."

Ummm... YES!

Monday, August 13, 2007


I checked out a hobo thinking he was an indie rock sexpot.

Its high time I revamped my taste.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Saturday, August 04, 2007

From Moonbot - The Unrequitable Crush List.

Mooney recently linked to his "unrequitable crush list". Here's mine. In no particular order...

Unrequitable Crush #1: Jason Schwartzman

Unrequitable Crush #2: Johnny Depp

Unrequitable Crush #3: John Cusack

Unrequitable Crush #4: Jack White

Unrequitable Crush #5: Jack Black

Unrequitable Crush #6: Jake Gyllenhaal

Wow. I must really like "J"... Jason, Johnny, John, Jack, Jack, Jake...