Friday, August 29, 2008

Obama / Biden 2008!

I have loved every minute of this year's Democratic National Convention. Finding and viewing every speech has taken up a good chunk of time, but it truly was worth each and every moment. I didn't think much could top Michelle Obama's speech, but (of course) Barack Obama's speech last night blew me away. He's so wonderful, and I hope, hope, HOPE he is our nation's next President. All 45 minutes (and 16 seconds) of it are below.

We may not agree on abortion, but surely we can agree on reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies in this country. The reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than for those plagued by gang-violence in Cleveland, but don’t tell me we can’t uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals. I know there are differences on same-sex marriage, but surely we can agree that our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters deserve to visit the person they love in the hospital and to live lives free of discrimination. Passions fly on immigration, but I don’t know anyone who benefits when a mother is separated from her infant child or an employer undercuts American wages by hiring illegal workers. This too is part of America’s promise - the promise of a democracy where we can find the strength and grace to bridge divides and unite in common effort.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Triumphant Return

I was on vacation. From blogging, from email, from Facebook, from life. Now, I'm BACK. Back to dreamlogging and other adventures. The last couple nights I have not had much sleep so I did not get a chance to dream. Sunday night was my most recent dream:

I am with my entire immediate family (minus my Mom/Tom) and a few extended family members in a house that is a combination of my Kilgore, Texas home and my El Paso home. It has features of both, but has an indoor pool in place of where the Kilgore living room should be. We are at what seems to be a small family reunion. It somehow gets out that my Dad is seeking an elective brain surgery that will eliminate his character flaws. The idea is plastic surgery for the brain. Everyone is on board, except for me. I start screaming how everyone is completely ridiculous for supporting this idea; that the surgery could kill him since it is so new and experimental. No one listens to me and he (and everyone) are going to continue as planned.

In the waking world, my vacation was awesome. I spent half of it in Austin (with friends) and half of it in Dallas/Fort Worth (with family). It was so wonderful to see my family - I miss them so much (ALL OF THE TIME). It is hard for me to be so far away, but I know that Boston is where I am supposed to be (at least until I snag my husband, finish my Master's degree, and convince my Dream Boat Captain to move to Austin with me). I had all sorts of adventures; the photographic evidence of said adventures can be found here:

Also, I created this gory short of my brother removing a mole from my back. It also features a cameo by my sister, Crys, and a still of my roommate, Savanna. If you are grossed out by blood, you may want to skip some of this (you'll know when to fast forward):

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Finally arrived in Austin... / Lack of Dreamlogging...

I arrived safely in Austin, Texas. (YAY!!)

I only slept two hours last night, so I never quite made it to REM sleep... no dreams last night.

Hopefully I'll have some good stories tonight to keep this good (?) thing going.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Dreamlogging Day 3

1) This one was most likely motivated by me popping a string on my guitar last night and trying to figure out where to take it.
I am searching frantically for a guitar repair place. I find one with some random name like Junky Jake's Guitar Repair or something random like that. Left with no other options, I decide to take my guitar there. The store was filled with 80's axes and a bunch of stoner-type individuals. They say they'll fix it and I can pick it up later. I pick up my guitar when they say they're done and go home (which was the home I lived in when my mother was in nursing school after my parents' divorce: a converted back porch - shared with my mother. Green carpet and a computer desk for my 10 year old computer obsessed self). When I look at my instrument, I realize it is this super crappy old thing - worn and falling apart with old nylon strings (My guitar is a black, delightfully shiny, steel-stringed Ibanez). Pissed, I go back to the store and they deny it. I'm stuck with this crap guitar.

2) Maybe motivated by Rachel and I's teasing of the homoerotic tickle fests amongst the hobbits in the Return of the King (skip to minute 3 and you'll see what we mean).
I am in my room with this girl Joanna that I've known since elementary school (and haven't seen in probably 8 years). We're on my bed and she gives me a Valentine's Day gift - some sort of cheesy bear/mug combo and some chocolates. I am super stoked to have this gift from her and we have some sort of tickle fest. For some reason my brother David shows up and starts chatting with us (maybe he's the Gandalf in this scene?). They disappear somehow and I look more closely at my Valentine. When I open the packaging, I see that it has been re-gifted - a handwritten card is there (for someone else) that is dated 2002. The gift's meaning is obviously tarnished. Two purple and pink metallic transforming/anamorphic dragonfly/beetle type insects appear and fly around my room. I kill one by slamming my shoe against it and the wall. The insect's guts form a large section of purple metallic foil on the wall above my light switch. I lose the other one.