Thursday, October 07, 2004


Don't call my name out your window, I'm leaving.

I leave for El Paso in a while. Shane is taking me to the airport.

El Paso effs me up, but I miss my parents.

I am bringing Mike some Chico's... he lived in El Paso when he was a wee lad and he has a craving even still. NUTS. I guess I'll bring some for Shane and Daniel too, but it pisses me off when people are like, "THIS is what you're always freaking out about? Blech." We'll see. Shane and Michael and I are going to take a road trip to El Paso soon (which I am sure will be news to everyone except Michael and I) and then Shane et. al. can have 'em fresh. Maybe that'll be better. Whoo! Daniel and Katie should come too- that would freakin' rock... hmm... Spring '05?


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