So I totally had a rejected moment today... I said the words before I could think of what I was saying, and by then I was too late and I had already exploded into laughter to the terrible dismay of my history professor. You see, I had snuck in some yogurt (late morning) and as I opened up the lid and attempted to taste of the strawberry goodness... I realized...
Well, crap. (If you have no earthly idea what the crap I'm talking about, I suggest clicking on that there link (on the word rejected) or searching google for rejected.wmv... ok. With that said, I took this quiz (another rejected item) and apparently I am a consumer whore- this I knew. I am the epitome of post-modernity.
You're a consumer whore! And how!
Which rejected character are you?
Anyway. I did some volunteer stuff for KVRX today, just posted some flyers around for Local Live. I am excited- Mellie and I talked about co-hosting a show next semester... we'll see what happens there.
I forgot to talk about my new aviators I got (who knew working for Sunglass Hut would be so freaking handy)... so here's a pic:
OK. I need to get some kind of internship lined up for this summer. I met with the Communication Career Center people today and I am just now realizing how much I should have been doing a LONG time ago.
I've been listening to Wu-Tang and Sage Francis a lot lately (I don't know, I've just been in a mood) and I want to share with you a nostalgic flow.
Sage Francis - Hopeless
Ok, have a good one. (Everybody always says that but I wonder what "one" is... it really could be anything... think that one over...)
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