Friday, February 18, 2005


So, this was my first Valentine's Day in FOREVER that I wasn't dating anyone. It was kinda sad... I was at least expecting, like a call... or something... maybe from some random ex-boyfriend that I haven't talked to in years? That woulda been cool. But all in all- it was just another day. Too bad- I do nice things for my romantic Valentines.

BUT! I did get some pretty pretty princess flowers from a "Secret Admirer"... here they are:

Haha. Fun.

In any case- I am sick and tired of me being Christian being interpreted as me being "liberal"... I mean, some of my views ARE liberal, but some of my views are conservative, and some of my views are MY views alone. And- humanitarian aid is a Christian value to me... not a liberal one. Not like I am at all denying being liberal- I am just tired of the term being applied to me as some kind of detriment. Thank you, that's all.

I have been wanting to mix up ol' Infamous Dance for the past little while here, but somehow I am just not putting it high enough on my priorities list.

Today I found out that a bunch of girls that are totally younger than me are already married and/or getting married VERY soon (as in this weekend)... these girls were in the grade below me in high school and I knew them pretty well... it is SO crazy to me to think that these chicks are married- two of them have children! Can you believe it? Wow. It makes me feel really old. Well, actually- it doesn't make me feel old- it makes me feel like I am the only one with any sense!

Married with a baby at 20?! What the eff??? I don't know what's going on. I am praying that these girls aren't just getting married so they can have sex and not have a guilty conscience.


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