Holy crap. It's 4 in the morning and I still am not even close to going to bed. I have been the hugest procrastinator ever, and here I am- procrastinating still by typing on ol' Infamous Dance rather than studying for philosophy. It's ok though because I gave myself a mini-goal... if I get through the first read-through of my notes, I get to go play on my website. I have got to be the biggest geek ever.
Anyway. I started studying, but then Mellie called and invited me over for Chico's Tacos (Marcos brought it back from El Paso- Mmm... Chico's...); naturally, I had to go. So, Yanneth, Mellie and I talked and talked and talked about all kinds of crap... Mostly the upcoming KVRX PROM (!!) and our various crushes.
My crush is apparently a phase that all KVRX girls go through... I've heard from multiple people that they (or people they know) all had obsessive crushes on this boy at one point- and although I wouldn't say that my crush has reached the boiling point of obsessive quite yet... I do get all nervous when he's around. I have the easiest time talking to anybody and for some reason I can't think of anything to say when he's around. It's retarded.
It's too bad that said crush won't be at the prom- I am going to look HOT.
I am really lucky to have the photographic memory that I have... Otherwise I would be quite worried that it is 4 something and I have only looked over my notes once. I have 2 finals tomorrow and I have only studied for roughly half an hour for one of them; none at all for the other. Ehh- I have done this for all three years of my UT career thus far and my GPA is still pretty righteous. I guess it just works.
I have been really fat today. I ate at a pizza buffet for heaven's sake. Also- my mother sent me one of those "FINAL EXAMS ENERGY PACK!"'s that the dorms put together. Hahaha, she sent me one my first semester (Kinsolving sent out announcements for these care packages apparently) and ever since, they send her the bill to send me one every semester.
I KNOW you're jealous.
I have to take a shower- I smell really bad. Although- I do use Mitchum's- it's "so strong you can skip a day"... Well, let's just say I've probably skipped one too many days.
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