Saturday, July 09, 2005


These screen shots just don't do "Hustle and Flow" justice. While Noble and I agreed that we would more likely have rented it than went to a theater under any other circumstance (the film was free for us, thanks to lovely free screenings), I thoroughly enjoyed myself. My favorite line from the film: "You Mormons are mother-effin' brave!!" Noble laughed at that for like a full two minutes I swear.

One of the funniest things that happened that night was the compliment on remaining "my caucasian self." Haha, whatever that means. I guess my time at the Highland 10 theater was the opposite of what dear old Whoopi Goldberg referred to as "a raisin in a cup of milk"... so I guess my experience there at ol' "Hustle and Flow" was that of a marshmallow in a cup of hot cocoa. Hah! Funny thought.


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