I am at work. I am annoyed that I am at work. It feels like this summer just hasn't been long enough. School starts in less than a month. August 31st. Another annoyance.
So, be it as I am currently annoyed with a lot of stuff, I decided I would list the first annoying things that pop into my head.
1. When strangers ask to borrow my laptop.
2. When people I haven't heard from in years call me to ask for someone else's phone number.
3. When people have feelings about things that they never ever share.
4. The girls who eat like crap and never work out and are still hotter than me.
5. Not having money or food.
6. Routines.
7. Getting called 5 minutes before my alarm clock goes off.
8. The fact that Sunglass Hut smells like sewer right now and I have no idea why.
9. When friends misinterpret me.
10. When guys don't know when to back the eff off.
11. Someone speaking to me with bad breath.
12. When people believe that "NO!" means "Maybe."
13. The fact that Austin is the Live Music Capital of the World and the only decent radio station is student run and only on the air from 7pm to 7am.
14. I work my bum off to earn the appreciation of certain individuals and they still qualify me as second-rate.
15. Two-faced, hypocritical, fake idiots.
All right. I could have come up with more, but I wanted them to be off the top of my head. After #15, I was having to think up something, so I decided to stop there. I'm actually not in too bad of a mood... Weird.
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