Friday, September 02, 2005


If anyone knows me at all, they know that I am obsessed with Johnny Depp. Juvenile, yes. Silly, yes. But- it's hard to break a habit that you've had for about 10 years. So, obsessed I'll stay.

The point: How perfect is this? I went to work out this morning (well, afternoon technically- I woke up at 11am.) and some random personal trainer guy said he would give me some tips if I came in on Labor Day. Cool. So, I come home after all that and I grab some leftover salad I had and plopped on the couch and flipped on the TV. I am retarded for E! so it was naturally on that channel, and lo, and behold! It was the E! True Hollywood Story of Johnny Depp! Yes! What a rad morning. I love it!

What I wouldn't give to be Vanessa Paradis for just ONE day. Heck, just one HOUR would be great. Well, actually all I would really want is one of those perfect hugs with a kiss on the cheek and an "I love you" and I would never need to date anyone again.

Hahaha, ok. Maybe that's somewhat of a stretch. I'd totally want to make the eff out.

Noble and I went to Hoa Hoa yesterday to get our eat on. (We plan on going to Jamba Juice every Thursday but there were 3284702348 kids in line so we ditched that idea.) I had some sweet and sour pork and some tofu surprise (or something to that effect). I don't what the crap was in that stuff, but my body just isn't happy this afternoon. Eh- it was worth it. I heart Hoa Hoa (or Hao Hao- that is to be debated.)


Later addition to this post:

I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE SHOPGIRL!!! It has Claire Danes, Steve Martin, and Jason Schwartzman. Claire Danes' character has to decide between these two different guys that are totally different. A quote from the trailer: "So, I can either hurt now or hurt later."

In the words of Juan's admirer, "I relate, I relate, I relate."

(I also want to see Elizabethtown, and I also need to see The Notebook... I still haven't seen it and everyone on earth tells me that I would love it.)

So here's some advance notice: schedule time with me to see these movies.


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