Saturday, September 10, 2005


Ok, I am posting instead of planning Lisa's party to celebrate her last week as a single woman. Man, I have been planning a bunch of these things it seems. If you are a close female friend of mine, do not get married for the next six months. I just won't have the energy. Thanks.

Here is something I found funny: Porn Star or Pop Star? (Play it, I only missed one!)

Also, I have to go see a play on Sunday, September 25 at 8pm. It is called MATCH-PLAY and it's at The Off Center. I got two tickets so I didn't have to go alone should the show sell out, so if you would like to go with me, let me know. To whet your whistle, this disclaimer was in the email confirmation for the tickets: "Please be warned: this show contains adult language, cigarette and fog machine smoke."

I would just like to say that I am rockin' the school year so far. CAN YOU BELIEVE I GRADUATE IN MAY?! HOLY FREAKING CRAP.

In other career news- I got an internship at ESPN Radio! I am a production intern and will essentially just be cutting audio for their morning show/radio promotions on Friday mornings from like 6am to 10 or something. Although it makes my schedule really busy (don't expect to see much of me unless I really really like you) it gives me something to throw on the resume.

Intense job searches start in a couple months, may the force be with me.


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