Thursday, September 01, 2005


YAY! SCHOOL STARTED! I had to put some exciting Schoolhouse Rock imagery to mark this momentous occasion. I know that I am probably the only retarded one who is super excited that UT started back up... I realized that the reason I was feeling so blah this summer is that my mind was just kind of stagnating. All I had going on was the Hut. And some fun relationship drama. But still, as exciting as that is, my creative juices weren't flowing! (I was just about to finish that paragraph with a not-so-clean thought, but I thought better of it.)

In any case, life is wonderful right now. I have already come up with the ideas for the majority of my final projects in each of my production classes, so you know what that means- completely rad projects because I'll have been thinking of them for about 4 months. Nice.

I was going to work on some business cards to pass out to potential contacts, but my sister (who has done recruiting for her business) says they aren't necessary. I could swear that UT kids have them... any thoughts/ideas on this? I had such a cool graphic too! But I don't want to waste my time if it's not at all necessary.

Shane and I were talking once about how there are all these profound thoughts in your head and then somehow when you try and communicate them, it doesn't sound nearly as cool. That is how I feel right now. When I was at school today, I was thinking, "Yes! I have so much to say on ol' Infamous Dance! I bet my loyal readers will jump with joy!!" Ok, so not exactly those thoughts, but I did think of things to say... now I don't really feel the oomph to go for it.

The Infamous Dance is famous! Well, at least in my Digital Media/Digital Art class. The teacher asked if anyone had a "blog" (that word bugs me, I don't know why...) and I raised my hand, assuming everyone else would too, and turns out it was only me. So, yeah- that was relatively embarrassing because I then had to talk about it. I was completely mortified and I felt retarded.


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