Sunday, October 09, 2005


The girls kidnapped me today and took me to Six Flags: Fiesta Texas. It was fun. Much better than being sick at home or being sick at work.

Here we are, all eating Dipping Dots: The Ice Cream of the Future. We asked this old guy to take our picture and he was trying to take the picture with the lens facing him. Yanneth had to tell him to turn the camera around. Nice.

We were sitting in some place and these yarn "spider webs" kept attacking me. Finally, I just succumbed to their wry ways and let them strangle me.

Its always hard for us girls to withstand temptation. (Check out Flickr to see what was in this creepy box...)

This machine made you fight for your jawbreaker.

And this is what the jawbreaker does to you.

Special thanks to Mellie for the pictures and to all my girls- Fiona, Mellie and Yanneth- for forcing me to get off my buns and enjoy a day at the park.

For the rest of the pictures, you can go to: Flickr (Tagged Fiesta Texas)


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