Sunday, October 23, 2005


WHO: Colleen, Katie, Martin, Adam, Eric, Matt, Shane, Michael, Cole, Ian, Lisa, Orson, Mellie, Brian, Daniel

WHAT: Playdoh Party

WHEN: Last Tuesday night

WHERE: Colleen and Katie's place

WHY: Because we're radical and I am leaving Austin in 7 months and I want to hang out with people as much as possible


These first few pictures are from the preparation the night before our shindig. These crazy lava ones are what oil, water, and food coloring look like.

Katie hearts flour, water, cream of tartar, salt, and food coloring.

So does Colleen.

These are the wads of finished product in our cupboard. Wads. I like that word. I also like Hamburger Helper and rice.


More peeps.

Even more peeps. (And speaking of Peeps, some stale ones [the marshmallow kind] were also present at the affair.)

Shane makes a skull.

Lisa makes an island. Notice the crab.

A few of our creations (I like the Kool-aid Man and the Humpty Dumpty. Well, I guess I like all of them). Not pictured: a crazy alien by Eric, a robin's nest by Adam, a cute snowman, flower and multi-racial dolphin by Mellie, and a bold statement; "Mike Rocks" by Michael.

Brian enjoys feasting upon dead babies.

It just now occurs to me that I failed to invite a lot of radical people, and for this, I sincerely apologize. (Well, depending on who you are... I may have simply not wanted you there. Haha, just kidding.)

There a bunch more pictures, but I have already met my Flickr quota for the month, so you will have to wait until Novemeber to see the rest.


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