Friday, November 04, 2005



1. When he/she asks "How are you," reply with "I'm just looking."

2. Ignore any and all questions he/she may ask you, even if he/she is asking them in order to help you find exactly what you want.

3. Have he/she let you look at over 15 items and proceed to say, "Thanks! Now I know what I like."

4. Treat him/her as if they have the mental capacity of a fish, even though they are almost 100% guaranteed to be more educated than you are.

5. Allow your 2- to 5-year-old children play with items that are probably worth much more than their total contribution to society.

6. Spend at least one hour looking at one particular item, decide to purchase it, let he/she ring up your sale, then decide you want to look at other items.

7. Do the above, then decide to exchange the original item for your new find, but only after looking for at least another half hour.

8. Repeat.

9. Ask him/her for a discount. When he/she says no, comment on how unfair it is that you are not entitled to the retail person's employee discount.

10. Ask for his/her opinion, and when they give you the truthful answer, scoff at them and accuse their opinion of being false and due only to the fact that they get commission.


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