Okay kids. Thanks to the government giving us some of our money back and my good sale luck on Craigslist, I got a sexy new camera! Here are some of my experimental photos; my favorite feature is the color accent thing- you can select a color in the frame and then isolate that color and make everything else black and white. Awesome!
Oh, and before you criticize my photos- I don't wear makeup anymore (except on Sundays).
Tried to bring out the green in my eyes; didn't work.
My brother David, his wife Julie, their son Dawson (and their embryo!) left this rose on my windshield last Sunday at Church. The color accents (red and green, obviously) worked really well.
And this was my last attempt at it; down-time at the Hut.
I love my new camera! My internship at Ventana Del Soul asked me to be in charge of photography (in addition to radio and live recording), so it made for a nice excuse to expedite the purchase process! So no, Jason, the Infamous Dance isn't dead.
Today was a good day: pay day, Fiona treated me to a pedicure (I had helped her with something), Mellie visited me at work, tomorrow is Yanneth's birthday, Katie and I's house is clean, I don't have much homework, I have next weekend off, Stephen might be visiting, I might be set apart in a new calling, me and Anna's show is going well, etc. etc. etc. (I am sure you are part of my good things list too, I just forgot!)
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