Sunday, April 30, 2006


Hi Colleen,

I'm requesting electronic copies of a few people's papers that I thought were very good as examples for the class in the future.
Names will be removed from these papers for privacy.

If you could send me the second and fourth paper you did in the class, I would love to be able to use them in this way.

Also, would you have any interest in presenting your zine on Thursday? Matt Payne graded it and felt it was a very good project.
I'd love to be able to share it with the class. Let me know.

Thanks, LS
Laura Stein, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Radio-Television-Film,
CMA 6.118 The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX 78712
Tel: 512- 471-XXXX
Campus Mail AXXX
Office: CMA 6.130

Yay! I am so stoked!


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