Friday, May 26, 2006


These past couple weeks have been crazy! Graduation was awesome; my entire family was there! My ENTIRE family... That has never happened without being accompanied with some sort of drama. I actually have a picture of my mother and father (with their respective spouses) chit-chatting. Remarkable. I was (am) ecstatic to say the very least.

I am currently drinking a Diet Berries and Cream Dr. Pepper, snabbed from my brother/Julie/Dawson/new baby's refrigerator. I am not sure how I feel about it. I know that Dr. Pepper has prune flavoring, and the berries & cream flavor just kinda reminds me about the whole prune factor. Nonetheless, it is pretty decent.

So, I am leaving for El Paso for a week before I move to Boston. So, my last day in Austin is June 6 (I am having a birthday / going-away party that night, it's a Tuesday) and my last day in Texas is June 14, my birthday. So, I'll be 22 and 1 day when I arrive in Boston. Somehow that seems momentous.

I have pictures of the apartment I am moving to- you can check it out @ my Flickr site. I also posted all the pictures I had from my graduation party with the family and UT commencement. Check it.

Juan, Katie, Martin, and I went to see X-Men: The Last Stand; last night's midnight showing. I LOVED IT. I love all comic book movies, but this one was especially amazing. It was so amazing, in fact, that I volunteered (volunteered!) to baby-sit my nephew Dawson so Julie and David could go see it. I was THAT impressed (and I needed to do laundry THAT badly).

You can probably tell by now that I am simply posting to kill time. I hardly ever post "just because"... It is usually for some sort of news or other. Well, Dawson is asleep and I am trying to be as quiet as possible because I'll have no idea what to do if the cute little chap wakes up. You know, maybe I'll make it a goal to post more often when I get to Boston... That is a feasible goal considering I will have no friends.

Speaking of which, I am having minor panic attacks at the thought of leaving everyone. I will be over 2000 miles away from everyone! Yikes! Every time I hang out with my girls and Juan, I am constantly thinking... crap... I hope I see them again. I know that sounds crazy considering how close we are, but I don't know, a lot can happen in a year. I know that I will always be in touch with them, it's just scary to think that it might actually be over a year until I see them all again. And the likelihood of seeing them all together is slim. I have always been overly attached to my friends; they become part of my family. And now, I will be so far away from all of my blood family and the adopted ones. Scary.

Come to my birthday / going-away party on June 6.

Saturday, May 20, 2006




Tuesday, May 16, 2006



I will be moving to Boston, Massachusetts, on June 15, 2006.

My last day in Austin is June 6, 2006- the evening of which Katie and I will be hosting a get-together at our place (birthday and going-away... My b-day is June 14 and I leave Texas June 15. WHOA! I will be in El Paso from the 7th to the 14th of June).

I will be in Boston for at least a year, working with Project: Think Different (through AmeriCorps).


I will miss everyone in Texas (and Oklahoma and California), but it is really good to know that I have a job in my field straight out of college. (How often does that actually happen?)

A bit about the organization I will be working for (if you don't feel like clicking on that link up there):

"Project: Think Different supports a new pop culture that's about human beings, not dollar bills. A pop culture where it's hip to be engaged, where the new cool is being true to your self, your community, and your world. We are musicians, video and film producers, directors, spoken word artists, educators, community activists, and allied organizations and we are you. If you're sick of what's being dished out and tired of waiting for something to change- Join us. We're making change happen!"

Wish me luck and stop by on June 6 to say goodbye. I may or may not be returning to Texas after a year.

Also, KVRX Prom was a BLAST. You can check out some cool pics from the event at Fiona's Flickr photo stream: Fiona's Photos.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006





Sunday, May 07, 2006


ONLY ONE MORE PROJECT AND I AM DONE WITH FORMAL EDUCATION FOREVER!!!!!!!!! (Unless I decide to go to grad school, we'll see.)

Me and the girls (and guy) had an interesting adventure on Thursday night. I wrote a letter to Derick (my best guy friend from El Paso, who is now off to sea in the Navy) about the whole affair, and to save time, I am just going to copy/paste that section...

"Right now I am locked inside Sunglass Hut due to the weather. It has been raining/storming/freaking crazy here the past couple of days. You wanna hear a funny story? So, in Austin there is thing called "First Thursday." Every first Thursday of every month, Austin has this little festival/shopping/carnie food type thing down South Congress (street). Well, some friends and I went. Totally fun- good weather, etc. So, we get hungry so we go to Magnolia Cafe. They sit us outside which is fine because we are all under this canopy thing. Well, after a while, it gets freezing cold and a little sprinkly so we ask to have the side panel things let down to keep out the weather. Well, as the waitstaff are pulling them down- these 90 mph winds start whipping through and the panels start going all crazy and everyone starts screaming. So, everyone that was dining outside moves inside. About 3 minutes later, all the power goes out. There are 90 mph winds, torrential rain (I am totally serious about the word "torrential"), and lightning that is lighting up the entire sky. So, we are all in the dark. We all are staying in Magnolia Café and hanging out hoping the lights come back on. They don't. Well, needless to say our meal was free. So- here we are in Magnolia- dudes are streaking outside- rivers are forming on the streets, craziness. Finally the rain dies down a bit so me and my friends decide to make the run for the car (roughly 3 blocks away). Magnolia supplies us with white trash bags and we poke holes in the bottom of them and wear them little ghosts. My ghostly friends and a ghostly me come to where we need to cross the street and the traffic lights are out, so I just make a run for it. We are all running through a river on Congress, Fiona is screaming... we must have scared all the cars... night of the living dead, I don't know. So, we get to the car. We drive like 10mph to Fiona's place where my car is parked. We get there- the apartment gates aren't functioning. We park on the street. We go through the partially opened exit gate. We can't get my car out of the apartment complex and it is crazy outside, so Juan, Katie, Mellie and I all spend the night at Fiona and Lisah's place. We're all soggy, so Lisah hooks us up with pajama pants. The power is still out... I am sweating and can't sleep. The power comes on at like 2 or 3 in the morning- I get cold, get cuddled up, and sleep until 9:30am. We leave; there are branches/trees/debris EVERYWHERE and we get some breakfast at Whole Foods. Migas with salsa/sour cream and berries and bottled water.
An adventure to say the least. I can't overstate the craziness of the weather. And now I am stuck at Sunglass Hut with similar conditions. Haha, oh well.
Enough about me- let's talk about you."