These past couple weeks have been crazy! Graduation was awesome; my entire family was there! My ENTIRE family... That has never happened without being accompanied with some sort of drama. I actually have a picture of my mother and father (with their respective spouses) chit-chatting. Remarkable. I was (am) ecstatic to say the very least.
I am currently drinking a Diet Berries and Cream Dr. Pepper, snabbed from my brother/Julie/Dawson/new baby's refrigerator. I am not sure how I feel about it. I know that Dr. Pepper has prune flavoring, and the berries & cream flavor just kinda reminds me about the whole prune factor. Nonetheless, it is pretty decent.
So, I am leaving for El Paso for a week before I move to Boston. So, my last day in Austin is June 6 (I am having a birthday / going-away party that night, it's a Tuesday) and my last day in Texas is June 14, my birthday. So, I'll be 22 and 1 day when I arrive in Boston. Somehow that seems momentous.
I have pictures of the apartment I am moving to- you can check it out @ my Flickr site. I also posted all the pictures I had from my graduation party with the family and UT commencement. Check it.
Juan, Katie, Martin, and I went to see X-Men: The Last Stand; last night's midnight showing. I LOVED IT. I love all comic book movies, but this one was especially amazing. It was so amazing, in fact, that I volunteered (volunteered!) to baby-sit my nephew Dawson so Julie and David could go see it. I was THAT impressed (and I needed to do laundry THAT badly).
You can probably tell by now that I am simply posting to kill time. I hardly ever post "just because"... It is usually for some sort of news or other. Well, Dawson is asleep and I am trying to be as quiet as possible because I'll have no idea what to do if the cute little chap wakes up. You know, maybe I'll make it a goal to post more often when I get to Boston... That is a feasible goal considering I will have no friends.
Speaking of which, I am having minor panic attacks at the thought of leaving everyone. I will be over 2000 miles away from everyone! Yikes! Every time I hang out with my girls and Juan, I am constantly thinking... crap... I hope I see them again. I know that sounds crazy considering how close we are, but I don't know, a lot can happen in a year. I know that I will always be in touch with them, it's just scary to think that it might actually be over a year until I see them all again. And the likelihood of seeing them all together is slim. I have always been overly attached to my friends; they become part of my family. And now, I will be so far away from all of my blood family and the adopted ones. Scary.
Come to my birthday / going-away party on June 6.