It has been a long time since I said anything substantial on this website. I don't feel like resuming now; sorry. I am currently attending a media institute graduate course at Wheelock College on "Media Education in a Violent Society." At the end of this course (Saturday afternoon), I will give you a rundown of what I have learned and my opinions. Hearing me rattle on about my issues with the media should be enough to warrant meaningless posts for at least another month.
As for today... believe it or not... more pictures! I put up a few of Tucker and I, one of me at the movie theater downtown (why didn't I get any pictures of my company?), some of Harvard, and some from my ocean cruise, a.k.a. "meeting." Also, to make life more interesting, I am going to try and do a little video ditty every once in a while. (I know you're thinking, "Crap. Another video blogger..." but, it's okay... you don't have to watch them if you don't want.)
So, yes! In the Photobucket pics, just click on the "Boston" album and you should see all the new additions.
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