Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I heart both Myers AND Briggs. ENFJ's FOREVA.

I had taken this test about 6 years ago, and I am happy to report that I am consistent. I got the same exact result... still accurate as ever.

E=8 Extraversion
I=3 Introversion
S=8 Sensing
N=12 iNtuition
T=3 Thinking
F=16 Feeling
J=12 Judging
P=7 Perceiving

You are an ENFJ

ENFJ - Teachers, consultants, psychiatrists, social workers, counselers, clergy, sales representative, human resources, managers, events coordinators, politicians, diplomats, writers, actors, designers, homemakers, musicians, religious workers, writers. They have a gift of encouraging others actualize themselves, and provide excellent leadership.

If you wanna know what you are: Myers-Briggs Personality Type Test

And if you wanna know more about me (and analyze the crazy inner workings that are Colleen Kelly - it actually is quite shocking how accurate this is... LOVE IT.):

ENFJ Wikipedia Entry

ENFJ Details


Blogger Mary said...

Dude, we're so close. Ironically...I am and I-N-F-J

One letter dude. One letter away from being exactly the same as you. This gives me hope that one day I too will be spectacularly cool.

10:54 AM

Blogger Rachel said...

Yeah, I'm a INFP, crazy dreamer person. Surprised?

3:03 PM

Blogger Colleen said...


Peggy is also an ENFJ. Hey, well we are ALL N's and F's...

Wow - I think I just put us all down.

3:21 PM


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