What the crap was that last post?!
Hahaha!! We were obviously extremely exhausted.
That post doesn't even make sense! Colliona? I wanted to delete it simply because our lack of coherent eloquence is somewhat embarrassing, but I figured the world needed proof of our debilitation.
We're awesome. That's what posting in the middle of the night gets you. Seth said keeping a Mormon up way past their bedtime is the closest thing you'll get to seeing them drunk.
I guess when drunk, I try to wax poetic but fail miserably.
I just woke up. It's 12:30pm.
I believe that inebriation via lack of sleep is the most honest way to express yourself. Bless you, and your thoughts at 2am; I want a mormon boy to make the h out with too.:)
10:32 PM
Awww... Rach. I love you. We'll get some hotties SOON.
1:37 AM
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