Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Colleen and Derick Por Vida!

Check out other random photos: Flickr Photo Stream


Blogger Rachel said...

You are so hot, and brilliant. Just let me be near you and bask in your light.

8:23 PM

Blogger Colleen said...

Ahhhh! You're too fantastic, Rach.

Dude! Totally unrelated, but I made 2 new dishes tonight:

Asparagus with feta and toasted cashews

Fried Eggplant with random spices.

I thought of you - you are my cooking inspiration! I need that prune chicken recipe, dude. Although, I don't have an oven. LAME.

10:20 PM

Blogger Lady Bills said...

you guys are so hot i can't take my eyes off of you. i am glad you had a good time and gladder than glad that you are back!

6:12 PM

Blogger ju said...

colleen, please to educate me in your ways...



6:55 PM

Blogger NatAttack said...

I don't think I've told you, but I've been meaning to for quite some time now. You are maybe THE most photogenic person I've ever seen. You take a gorgeous photo always! I should be taught... because you make it look so easy!

5:38 PM


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