Thursday, January 25, 2007


I leave for Virginia Beach in about 12 hours. I am SO ready to go. My darling Derick is flying me out to his place for the weekend, and I am SO freaking stoked I can't even take it. Derick is in the Navy and he was traversing the Earth for a loooooong time and is now back in the Mother Country.

Check out what I will be experiencing:

Yesssssssssss! Can you believe it? I will be able to be outside without my hideous poof coat on Saturday! And SUNNNNYYYYYY!!!!!!! Yes! Weather affects me SO much, and this weather is not quite Texas (it will be 65 degrees there this weekend), but TOTALLY warmer than the Beantown.

Male BFF + Sun + Not working = Joy!


Blogger Lady Bills said...

no one like a bragger colleen!! okay, i'm just jealous! have fun... you will be missed!

11:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hon ... i am sorry you are having the flight day from hell. when you read this you'll be off that claustrophobia-inducing flight and laughing at this.

i'm glad you're getting the weekend off. don't think about work for a SINGLE SECOND!!


12:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey looks like we had the same idea, I'm at the beach too. Love ya can't wait to see you again, and sorry for the delayed e- mail response, I swear it IS coming.

1:26 AM


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