Forgive the politics. I know most of my readers are loyal Conservatives, but I'm so pumped up about the new administration in Massachusetts; I just can't not post! I am a political gal, what can I say?
Deval Patrick, new Democrat Governor of Massachusetts, 2nd Black governor EVER, 71st Gov. of Mass. He was elected by a grassroots campaign, which is encouraging because Project: Think Different (my work) works in a grassroots organizing style. His father was a jazz musician (Pat Patrick) and he was an attorney for the NAACP. This is also encouraging, because we just may get some attention for being an organization that uses music for positive social change and civic engagement. Deval also worked for the United Nations in Africa for a year before attending Harvard Law School.
(As an aside, I work RIGHT by the State House where the inauguration is going on and I am watching the speech on a live webcast. The lag was interesting; at least I got to know when I needed to clap!)
To the speeches:
Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray:
+ "Dreams must not be deferred."
+ Affordable living - need our "best and brightest" to stay in the Commonwealth.
+ The administration is making history (and will continue to make history) by "innovating, adapting, and getting the job done."
Governor Deval Patrick:
+ We are told that government is bad; that it serves only the powerful's interests. "Today, we join in common cause to lay that fallacy to rest."
+ He mentioned the "shared responsibility" of the administration (shared between the admin. and Massachusetts citizens!)
+ He became governor through an improbable journey, but "America herself is an improbable journey... we are most remarkable because of the ideals to which we dedicate ourselves. America was invented here [Massachusetts]... Our constitution is the most explicit in the nation about human dignity."
+ "As an American I am an optimist, but not a foolish one." Patrick listed all of Massachusetts' problems. But continued to talk of the creativity, ingenuity, skill, and inspiration of Massachusetts citizens.
+ "I see what we are capable of, not just from history, but from our character."
+ Massachusetts has been successful because of our "willingness to look challenge right in the eye."
+ "This State House is YOUR house."
+ "It's time for a change and we are that change."
+ "For every one of God's children who call Massachusetts home, let's rebuild this shining city on a hill and make it shine again."
This very day 165 years ago, John Adams received a letter from a captive slave on the Amistad for freedom. All 36 captives received their freedom. The freed captive sent John Adams a Bible in thanks. Today, Patrick and Murray swore into office on that very Bible! (The Mendis Bible)
Uplifted! (Pictures are forthcoming.)
Hooray for democracy!
9:57 PM
Yay for Rachelocracy!
1:46 AM
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