Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Lying to people who love you = ANNOYING.


Blogger Tang Tang said...

I am SO snuggling on that love sac you just laid down, sista.

(i.e. I agree. Punk(s)!!)

1:24 AM

Blogger Colleen said...


You know what I say to them punks??

弊囀荎逄蹦抭摯荎逄悝炾厙桴ワ蛁砩ㄩ斕岆參涴厙珜奻腔訧蹋泂善斕腔蹦抭ㄛワ郬笭梗櫛雄腔傖彆ㄛ佽靡堤揭摯埻釬氪 ﹝ ワ祥猁佽岆堤赻斕蠅腔厙桴﹝森珜爵衄虳岆扂掛垀祒,蛁賤岆扂祥垀迡

2:38 PM

Blogger Colleen said...

kmt's blog = link on my page = as of right now

2:38 PM

Blogger Tang Tang said...

You and your China mouth!!
(I am so linked...I mean loved...I mean linked.)

5:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

so I this is random....but I think you need Alexa's song on here....It's awesome. Miss you and love you lots.

12:19 AM

Blogger Kylee said...

To quote whomever said it, "liars deserve to be caught!"

--Love your voice
--love your hair
--love the way you dress
--love you
--You are so linked on my blog

11:05 AM

Blogger ju said...

i may not have coined the phrase, but i'll happily take credit for saying that... thank you very much!!

here's another one i just thought up...

"liar, liar, pants on fire..."

2:54 PM


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