Monday, January 22, 2007

Youth Action Summit and Other Lib Mumbo-Jumbo.

Cara Powers and I (the peeps over the youth program at Project: Think Different) held our first annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Youth Action Summit: "Lift Every Voice."

Here are some pictures from the affair:

Photobucket: Youth Action Summit

Also, this link was forwarded to me from my good friend, Jen. I thought it was really intriguing (despite the super stereo-typed images they use...):

World's Population: Proportioned to 100 People

I will be making a much more fun post about this, but SAVE THE DATE for 90's PROM! May 12, 2007. Find your dress and tux now. Oh, and feel free to wear a flannel over the tulle.


Blogger Lady Bills said...

colleen you rock... you look like you had so much fun. PROJECT THINK DIFFERENT ROCKS!

11:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wish i could make the prom, 'specially since i never went to my own.

you'd be my date if i went though, right?

-daniel j

5:04 AM

Blogger Rachel said...

I want to be like you when I grow up.

10:16 PM

Blogger Colleen said...

Peg - WE rock!!!

Daniel - OF COURSE!

Rach - ha! you are even COOLER.

10:58 PM


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