Thursday, February 15, 2007

I have wasted many hours.

This is me as a doll.

I have spent countless hours crafting her.

I was psychotically stoked to find that skull for her hair.

You are about to spend hours making yours, I can tell.


Blogger Lady Bills said...

dude you are hot for realsies AND as a cartoon. this life doesn't get much better than 2 colleen's in it!!!

11:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES!!! When and where can I buy her. hehehe.

11:57 AM

Blogger NatAttack said...

Thanks for a fun mind diversion on this boring as all get out Friday afternoon.

I'm shocked by how much you really look like yours. Gorgeous!

4:02 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Dude...okay its already 1:10am and I have to be a good little teacher Jamie girl tomorrow...but now I will be up long enough to see the sun rise. My phone sucks here dude. I am getting a new one here soon. Like within the next week or so. I'll be sure you give you my new number.

So yes, about the ring... its not an engagement ring...though it is totally beautiful and perfect for me as one. If you went to a jeweler they would refer to it as one, but it didn't come with a question so no, it is not. However, Craig told me when he gave it to me on Valentine's Day, that this was was to symbolize a promise from him to me, to propose to me. He said, and I agree, that life is just too messy right now. We want it to start clear and fresh.

So you have to give me a date you can come meet him and hang out with us because I can't marry him unless you say okay.

Okay so this is like a lot of stuff i'm putting on your blog...guess I should have put it on mine. Anyway I love you sooo much!!!

3:15 AM


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