Thursday, March 08, 2007

Don't mess, President Warnick! Colleen will always reign!

So, I recently got into a power struggle with the Elders Quorum President of my ward, Matt Warnick. You see, I am the Meetinghouse Physical Facilities Director, and he was trying to overstep his bounds and use the building past 10pm for a romantic evening with his girlfriend, one of my bahfeffers, Mary Webster.

Whatever, Matt. You may have got in some good ones, but ultimately, YOU GOT OWNED.

It all started with a sucker punch to the face!

I was still reeling from that, and the punk gets me with a Super Punch-Out-worthy upper cut!

I'm pretty angry at this point - I get him in the stomache. His pathetic need to impress Mary is obvious by his feigned smile.

Bustin' out my best Piston Hurricane - the Hurricane Rush! Take that!

Not impressin' her now, huh, President?! POW!

I don't think we'll be having any more disagreements.


Blogger Mary said...

I shall never cease to laugh over this. Never.

4:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAY TOO MUCH FREE TIME!!! Love it though. I'm glad that there are SO many people who love you out there, it makes having you gone more bearable.

11:36 PM

Blogger Battlestar Luna said...

"a Super Punch-Out-worthy" that cracked me up.

10:53 AM

Blogger Rachel said...

I'm crying, too funny!!

12:40 PM

Blogger Lady Bills said...

you go my super-hot, sass-o-frass, stud-muffin-in-a-girly-kind-of-way girlfriend!

sorry you got your ace kicked by a girl matt!

3:35 PM

Blogger Colleen said...

Mary - Good.
LiZa - You can NEVER have too much free time.
Juan - Heart.
Rachel - Don't you cry-y-y tonight.
Peg - We're both studs. I like it.

Also - Matt - watch your back, yo.

1:31 PM

Blogger Linda said...

and wearing pearls. so full of grace! you are what all women should aspire to be!

10:14 PM


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