Don't mess, President Warnick! Colleen will always reign!
So, I recently got into a power struggle with the Elders Quorum President of my ward, Matt Warnick. You see, I am the Meetinghouse Physical Facilities Director, and he was trying to overstep his bounds and use the building past 10pm for a romantic evening with his girlfriend, one of my bahfeffers, Mary Webster.
Whatever, Matt. You may have got in some good ones, but ultimately, YOU GOT OWNED.
It all started with a sucker punch to the face!
I was still reeling from that, and the punk gets me with a Super Punch-Out-worthy upper cut!
I'm pretty angry at this point - I get him in the stomache. His pathetic need to impress Mary is obvious by his feigned smile.
Bustin' out my best Piston Hurricane - the Hurricane Rush! Take that!
Not impressin' her now, huh, President?! POW!
I don't think we'll be having any more disagreements.
I shall never cease to laugh over this. Never.
4:38 PM
WAY TOO MUCH FREE TIME!!! Love it though. I'm glad that there are SO many people who love you out there, it makes having you gone more bearable.
11:36 PM
"a Super Punch-Out-worthy" that cracked me up.
10:53 AM
I'm crying, too funny!!
12:40 PM
you go my super-hot, sass-o-frass, stud-muffin-in-a-girly-kind-of-way girlfriend!
sorry you got your ace kicked by a girl matt!
3:35 PM
Mary - Good.
LiZa - You can NEVER have too much free time.
Juan - Heart.
Rachel - Don't you cry-y-y tonight.
Peg - We're both studs. I like it.
Also - Matt - watch your back, yo.
1:31 PM
and wearing pearls. so full of grace! you are what all women should aspire to be!
10:14 PM
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