Let me quickly mention - having public archives all the way back to July of 2004 is freaking embarrassing as H.
P.S. I put all my links to other people in alphabetical order. It was just way too stressful trying to figure out the politics of friend order. Hah!
great! now i'm going to be obsessive about going back and reading through all of your archives!!!
9:12 PM
I'm trying to remember where I was on the list previously. thanks.
10:12 PM
Wahoo! I moved up a solid six spots. I LOVE the reorder.
And the 2004 you is still cute.
9:21 AM
Peggy - don't do it! I look like a Skanker McSkankerson.
Linda - You were #1, of course.
Nat - you are the main reason I had to reorder! Seriously, I looked at my list and was like, Natalie's last? Well, I added her last. But... still! Okay, I have to move her up. Well, that's dumb - Peggy and Rachel's are alphabetical... yeah, okay, I'll do that. :)
12:19 PM
shoot- and i was hoping that julia was just a sexy latin name you came up with for me. sigh.
must go find manuel. i have a hankering for some tortillas.
4:16 PM
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