Thursday, March 29, 2007

Life Soundtrack - Thanks to Mary and Lauren

The instruction from Mary: "Basically, how it works is, you're given a list of life events. You switch your iPod [or iTunes] to 'Shuffle Songs.' Without cheating, you write, in order, what song comes up for each life event."

Opening credits: "With or Without You" - U2
Actually, you have no choice. You HAVE to live with me. You're my life soundtrack. Duh.

Waking up: "Signal Sparks" - Seafood
"There's nothing to be scared of. Just breathe, Don't forget that you're living."
Sound advice for the morning!

First Day at School: "Year of the President" - Mobius Band
I was destined to rule the country from Day One.

Falling in Love: "Roped and Tied" - Codeseven

Fight Song: "Be My Lover" - La Bouche
Yes! This song always gets me jazzed. Just the other day, Matt said he hears me singing it all the time... it is usually when I am trying to pump myself up about something. "La da da dee la da da daaa, La da da dee la da da daaaaaa, La da da dee da, la da da da dee daaaaa, la DEE da da da da daaaa, awh awh yeahhheeeeaaaaa"

Breaking Up: "All is Full of Love" - Death Cab for Cutie
Figures! Right when my heart is broken, I hear this: "All if full of love, you just ain't receiving..."

Prom: "All Men Are Freezing" - Robert Pollard

Life's OK: "Warning Sign" - Coldplay
Doesn't apply to my "ok" state of life - but some choice lyrics from this amazing song: "You came back to haunt me and I realized that you were an island and I passed you by when you were an island to discover."

Mental Breakdown: "Noticed" - Mutemath
"And all this time it was staring me blind, I can't believe I've never noticed my heart before." I knew love was eventually going to be my demise.

Driving: "Idler" - Heatmiser
Wow. The accuracy of this little "Life Soundtrack" is freaking me out. I think some ethereal power is trying to communicate with me...

Inner Smile: "Leave Before the Lights Come On" - Arctic Monkeys
Inner smile?! Leave before the lights come on?! I could type so many things right now. A think a "wow" will have to suffice. Wow.

Flashback: "Give My Love to Rose" - Johnny Cash
First one to have no comment.

Getting Back Together: "Stop Joking Around" - Hawksley Workman
Punctilious sentiment for me! Ha! I think I might not take relationships seriously enough? Aye. Another thing to work on.

Wedding: "The Secret's In the Telling" - Dashboard Confessional
Don't judge me for being a Emo Sappy McSapperson. "There is a secret that we keep,
I won't sleep if you won't sleep." Cute! Let's get married.

Birth of a Child: "Angel of Harlem" - U2
The perfect description of my future spawn! We may be O.G., but we're the best of the O.G.!

Final Battle: "When Your Heart Stops Beating" - (+44)
Nice. It could have only been better on "Death Scene."

Death Scene: "Cowboys" - The Fugees
I knew I would go out like a true Texan. SHOOT-OUT!

Funeral: "Yesterdays" - Guns N' Roses
YES! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have Guns N' Roses at my funeral! I can see it now... my family all dressed up like Slash and Axl... trying to wipe away tears as they softly bang their heads...


Blogger JLyn said...

HOLY FLIP BATMAN THATS AWESOME.... Im so doing this tonight...

except mine could get a little scary... my ipod has over 8,000 songs... eeek!

2:45 PM

Blogger Rachel said...

Dude, I totally will play G n' R at your funeral. Love it.

5:38 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

dude, you rock. I want Johnny Cash or NIN singing HURT at my funeral. Promise if you die first (though it'll probably be like within hours of each other I am supposing) that you'll make it happen. Then something totally non-depressing like... hmmm...I dunno! My feet don't work, I'm in a wheelchair, haven't left the house in days, looks like ankle joint surgery is on its way,and I lost my bff's number! i'm sad. 3072170988. heart you.

12:32 AM


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