Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Dining Alone - A Social Experiment

This post was written about a month ago on a map I printed out to find Carolina and I's meeting place. I am finally posting it.

I got done with my daily tasks an hour earlier than I expected. I was meeting Carolina to do some visiting teaching in a little under 2 hours, but I already was within a mile of our meeting place.

I was hungry.

Bertucci's was nearby, so I thought I would kill some times by dining. Alone.

I have NEVER sat in a restaurant alone, seated in one of those tiny tables meant for intimate couples, or not-so-intimate couples if the restaurant is busy enough.

Anyhow. I decided I would try it. I am almost 23 – I should have had this experience by now, right? Yet, I was still somewhat nervous.

I walk in. The hostess looks through me to the door, obviously expecting a gallant young man to be following.

I say, “It's just me.”

Hostess: “Oh.” (putting the now unnecessary additional menu back down from where she grabbed it.)

I am seated.

I waited for what could not have been more than 2 minutes when my waiter, I would guess 25-28, dashes up, profusely apologizing for taking so long.

I order – Diet Coke, extra glass of water, my food. He checks in with me four times between the delivery of said drinks and delicious food.

My dinner arrives. I eat it.
Bill comes. I pay it.

(Yes, my darling Jenni, it turned out I could afford more than rice and beans.)

Not that eventful, just a meal.


Throughout the meal, I compulsively checked my cell phone for the time, making darn certain that every person walking through that door knew I was simply waiting for someone. That simple action said - “I have friends, believe me, I'm just killing time.”

And why was I studying The Paradox of Choice so intently? (Which, regrettably, I haven't done much of since then...) Making notes and underlining text with furrowed brow just so everyone could see I had important things to do. I was smart. I was an intellectual.

Why did I sit up perfectly straight and suck in my “Boston Bulge” so all around wouldn't feel sorry for the fat girl who is forced to eat alone? Why did I completely refuse additional rolls when the waiter insisted that I should eat more of their tasty goodness?

I love being alone and I found out that I actually love dining alone... so why fear others' perceptions? A quote: "Enjoying one's own company, and the freedom that goes with it, has always been seen as a deep character flaw."

"Fine dining is a bit of theater, and solo diners, by our singularity, are the stars. So enjoy the chance to be really special. Fantasize if you wish." Lea Lane in Solo Traveler


Blogger spoonfulL said...

LOVE it! darling colleenius, i too have enjoyed the exhilarating and oddly uncomfortable freedom of the lone dining experience. i would like to take this opportunity to recommend solo movie-going as well. big ol' fan of that happy activity. way to rock the solo!

9:47 AM

Blogger Seth said...

Colleenita, I love that you did this. I'm feeling a kind of kinship with you. This year I have probably dined alone 30 times. I dig it. I've overcome that need to have a companion when dining. But often I still hate looking at an empty chair across from. Gives me the creepy sense that somebody is missing. Course it can be nice to use their chair as a foot rest. But anyway, I've taken up sitting at the bar. Love it. Service is faster, bar tender is cooler than a waiter, and you can usually watch sports or catch the news.

10:06 AM

Blogger Colleen said...

I am STILL trying to get a solo movie-going together! Rachel does it a bunch, and I am SO JEALOUS! It is my goal to get it done next Saturday - PAY DAY! FINALLY!

I never thought of the bar! That probably keeps a lot of the attention of you - but do they get pissed when you don't order a drink? Hmmm....

1:52 PM

Blogger coco chiachieri said...

Yeah, I always read when I dine alone. Actually, I just had lunch alone and didn't, but it was just hi-spot. if it was like a real restaurant i'd probably be doodling in my palm pilot.

2:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a married lass this opportunity no longer presents itself, but I have found a fun moment or two in dining by myself. Once at the Village Inn on Trawood, I had my journal with me and a good book and I just settled in. If you want to take it a step further...there is the "going to the movies by yourself" bit. Love yoU!

5:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa...I just read that someone else beat me to the solo movie going suggestion...darn

5:16 PM


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