Friday, June 15, 2007

June 14: Mom and Tom forgot me.

IN BETTER NEWS HOWEVER: My birthday was fantastic! My party that Rachel organized at Santarpio's was the greatest!!! I have so many wonderful friends - it worked out perfectly. I feel very blessed to say that only the very tightest of peeps were in attendance and we were at max capacity in the place!


10:51 AM
Natattack: Gorgeous -- I hope you had the GREATEST birthday

me: I did

Natattack: i'm so glad
thanks for letting me part of it

11:02 AM
me: you rock, dude
i was on the phone with my parents

Natattack: no worries at all!
i figured you were busy

me: yeah, they totally forgot my birthday
i got a message this morning
why didn't you return our call? we wanted to wish you a happy birthday!
and then when i called them saying they totally didn't call me
they got all defensive

Natattack: oh no

me: and the story changed to their phones must not have been working
and then my mom gets pissed
and she says
"fine if you're gonna say it, we did" and hangs up

Natattack: oh honey
i'm so sorry

me: its okay
not raelly
but you know - it will be
i had a really great party
so, that's good.

Natattack: that is good...
but it's okay to be upset about your family
they're two mutually exclusive events

me: ok
yeah, i just don't want to seem ungrateful

Natattack: no, it's not ungrateful at all
like i said, they're not contingent upon each other

me: yeah


Blogger Jason Randall said...

I think about this song when momz and dadz ain't down with me.

6:31 PM

Blogger Colleen said...

Thanks darlin'.

12:25 PM


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