Telephone recording for podcasts on the CHEAP (or FREE)!!
1. Skype (SkypeOut optional, but useful!)
2. Pamela
3. Audacity
4. Really cute niece!
Step 1: Download and Install all these programs. This was done on Windows XP, but with Mac OS X you can simply substitute Pamela with a program like Audio Highjack Pro. But - Pamela is best.
Step 2: Make the call with Skype! SkypeOut is a plug-on for Skype that allows you (for only $30 a YEAR) to call whoever, not just Skype users.
Step 3: With Pamela installed, a dialog box pops up: Would you like to begin recording this call? Click "Yes". The conversation records as an mp3. Pamela logs them for you:
Step 4: Pull the mp3 into Audacity and you can edit away! I am in love with Audacity - open source audio editing is my best friend. Then, just export as mp3 or wav and VOILA! You've just captured a phone conversation for FREE (or $30)!
Here's a snippet of a conversation I had with my niece, Alexa, and my sister, Crys. One of my favorite parts is Alexa moaning: "Whooooooaaaaaaa"! Gosh, she is freaking cute as H.
Click here for the goods: "I love you."
i am so in left field... what do you use this for??? please don't think i am retarded for not knowing.
1:36 PM
You aren't retarded! You use the process to record conversations for use in podcasts or radio programs.
i.e. I used it to interview my fellow AmeriCorps peeps to compile into an audio interview map.
Did you listen to the audio with Alexa, my sister and I? It's also useful to record cute nieces that live too far away! :)
8:18 PM
I would record my super secret phone conversations with my super secret spy friends, and superhero buddies to prove to people that I have really cool and really secret friends.
9:37 PM
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