Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The month of September.

September 1: Move to Somerville with the most beautiful girl this side of the Mississippi.

September 3: Off of work; most likely spending Labor Day trying to put together our apartment; Hopefully taking a break for some tasty Labor Day treats; Raspberry Lime Rickey?

September 7: Journalism Department meeting; all the full-time people in one place at one time. I am nervous; not sure why.

September 10: Begin my Masters degree (yay!; first class: Recording Industry as a Business); Emerson students back in classes (apparently things get CRAZY around here at that point)

September 13: Books Not Boys Club meeting; Ward Temple Baptisms Night

September 14: WISDOM TEETH EXTRACTED (Scared out my mind)


Ok, I am stopping there. Nothing can top the wisdom teeth extraction for me. I am excited to have these puppies out (they are jacking up my teeth and the little sharks are hurting) but I don't want to go through the drugged up stage again. I am crazy on any sort of narcotic/pain killer. Dude, even Codeine made me crazy.

This is the down (up?) side to being a good LDS girl - no tolerance for the sauce (or solid).


Blogger Rachel said...

Lime ricky break!!! Dude just take Advil, no crazy comments on facebook this time...

10:12 AM

Blogger Colleen said...

Sounds like a good plan; my crazy Facebook comments and love declarations and miscellaneous tears have definitely scared peeps away!

Hahaha, oh well.

10:22 AM

Blogger ju said...

wisdom teeth is not bad- i had to do it twice. just don't plan on going anywhere, and plan on a puffy face. you'll look adorable. :)

slurpees also help. a lot.

10:27 AM

Blogger Colleen said...

Good tip on the Slurps!!!

This means we must have a Slurpee date the weekend of Sept 14...

OH MAN - I wish they made Dr. Pepper slurpees....

I'm not sure if I can rock those cheeks... the black eyes and the chipmunk face... well... I have always wanted to be a chipette...

10:31 AM


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