The Reasons I am voting for Barack Obama...
Hope in the face of difficulty, hope in the face of uncertainty, the audacity of hope: In the end, that is God's greatest gift to us, the bedrock of this nation, a belief in things not seen, a belief that there are better days ahead."Barack Obama - Democratic National Convention Keynote Address
So, I was at dinner with Jenni and Rob the other night and Jenni asked why I am voting for Obama (and why Rob is voting for Mitt Romney). I told her a shorter version of my reasons, but just in case anyone else would like to know, here they are (in a VERY brief summary):
- Supports network neutrality (preserves open competition and gives EVERYONE the access to the full wealth of information available on the Internet)
- Encourages diversity in media ownership (currently everything we see/read/hear is owned by five companies - NOT OKAY)
- Holding government/businesses accountable for violations of personal privacy (we are currently living in a Big Brother state)
- Will lower health care costs by investing in an IT system (why do we still have paper records?)
- Reforming death penalty (i.e. required video-taped interviews with inmates on death row... again... why haven't we had this yet?)
- Expanding illegality of hate crimes
- Establishing a credit card bill of rights (will apply interest rate only to future purchases, prohibit interest on fees, etc.)
- Super supporter of teachers (hello?! Why aren't the paid more???)
- "Establishing new requirements for political appointees to discourage the use of public sector positions for personal or private gain."
- Banning gifts to Executive Branch employees
- Fighting wasteful spending by ending abuse of no-bid contracts (I am really sick of "All the President's Men"-esque debacles that people pretend don't exist)
- Making White House communications public (Yes, please.)
- Plans on talking with "friends AND foes"... meaning - we will work with people who don't worship the ground we walk on (that's new for us)
- Promotes responsible fatherhood (crack down on men avoiding child support payments)
- Creating transitional jobs program (gov't subsidized, as opposed to straight welfare... more closely resembles my church's stance on welfare, which I agree with)
I really appreciate this post! I'm one who is totally politically frustrated right now and it's gotten to the point where I tune out whenever something is brought up. Not this. I read the whole thing and Barack's gained some points for me. (I think the media controls way too much of what people see, hear, or talk other pieces of a political platform)
11:29 AM
Thanks, Linda! I debated a bit whether or not I should post this considering I talk about or post something on Barack Obama nearly every post lately... but then I remembered... IT'S MY OWN BLOG!!! I can post whatever the H I want. :)
Thanks for your comment... I am VERY glad you liked it! :)
2:51 PM
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