Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Have a fresh look. Want a fresh hand.

Hello darlings. I have been uninspired by blogging, but I am trying to start anew. I am predicting that most people who read my blog do so via RSS readers, but just in case you read it old school (by clicking on a bookmark, link, or something similar), enjoy the fresh look. I needed something a bit more representative of how I spend all my time. (This is as good a time as any to insert this aside: Working full-time while doing graduate school, WERS, and church stuff is kicking my trash.)

The lack of blogging is directly proportional to my lack of physical affection. I am zapped of all creative energy, and I argue that this is due primarily to not having been kissed in WAY TOO LONG. It took me a couple hours to come up with a good idea for a sound composition the other day; I seem to be losing my touch. (Another aside: if I have flirted with you in the past 2-4 months and you're looking for a good LDS-friendly make-out session, call me. Consider it an act of service supporting the success of my graduate education.)

Don't tell anyone, but I spent some time on a little personal project / reminiscing session at work today. As I was updating the look of my site, I noticed that I included "Photobucket" in my "Look-at-the-other-sites-that-have-other-crap-about-me-on-them" section. I haven't used Photobucket in ages (the account has since been deleted), so I was interested in what could be on there. Turns out it had a small collection of photos from 2006 - mainly the period right before I moved to Boston and the following first few weeks of my time here in Bostonia. I WAS BLONDE! I uploaded all the photos to my Flickr account (the site I actively use). You can see the set here: Old: From Photobucket. It made me miss some old friends and (of course) miss my family like crazy (especially my little Lex).

Here are some "I can't believe Colleen used to look like that" samples to whet your whistle and compel you to click the above link to check out the rest (the invitation to look through my photos on Flickr is admittedly quite narcissistic [what blog isn't, really?], but there ARE some really cute ones of my siblings' babies):

Proof that emo self-portraits have ALWAYS been a good time!

Looking strung out with my friend Daniel of [Maximus? I am flaking on his band's name] fame.

First event I worked on at Project: Think Different. (And, incidentally, the first moment I realized that my boss was not that well-adjusted.)


Blogger Dani Lou said...

Wow~ You're still hot. And I love the new blog layout.
I can testify that our couch needs to see some action.

12:12 AM

Blogger Crys said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the new look!!!!! Awesome and totally you. It is weird you found those pictures. I was just thinking about the pics you took at CHOP and wondering if you still had those. My copies are bad. Love you, girl. MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY!! Happy T day. Come back to TEXAS!!! Oh and good luck with the make out session, sounds like fun.

9:17 PM


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