Friday, May 08, 2009

Impromptu. Cookie. Night.

An excerpt from a life-changing conversation...
Seth: So you want to celebrate soon?

me: yes!

Seth: What do you want to do?
I'm thinking we do something like ice cream or crepes or something like that.
Something festive.

me: Cookie decorating party!

Seth: Or a trip to the Sev and loading up on goodies.
Or decorating cookies!!!!

me: haha
we could get those easy sugar cookies
and a bunch of random decorating crap
and make "we hate school" cookies!

Seth: Nice!

me: with music and/or conversation

Seth: That's a great idea.

me: sweet.

Seth: Perfect.

And, thus, the impromptu cookie night was born. I texted the Rachels to tell them of this awesome plan and invited a small group of my favorites. (P.S. We were celebrating the completion of Rachel A's master's degree and the end of my semester... only 2 more to go!)

There would have been no documentation of this blessed event, but Rob got a new iPhone and is obsessed. Thank heavens for that!

Here's me being domestic as Seth looks on. This never happens, so feel free to save the photo.

A couple of my masterpieces!

And a group shot of all the fabulous work...

You can see close-ups of some of the other rockin' work of my amazingly cookie-decoratingly talented friends here (also features Rob's commentary): COOKIES!!


Anonymous Julia M said...

Happy end of semester, Love.

8:57 PM

Blogger Linda said...

that's such a great idea! how fun.

3:58 PM

Blogger Crys said...

Zachary is looking at your cookies and going, "Mmmmmm." If you can sell a toddler, you got it made. Looked like fun! Congrats stupid school is O-V-E-R!!!

7:48 PM


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