Monday, May 11, 2009

Lucky Girl: Red Sox & Costco & Green Energy

The moral of this post is: I am a lucky (blessed!) girl.

Lucky Girl Tale No. 1
Seth and I went to the Red Sox / Rays game on Friday night (we won! woot!). After a sensational evening of ace-kicking and Fenway Frank eating, I was feeling pretty positive. After posing for the obligatory slash awesome photo with the field in the background, I realize: "I don't have my purse!" Crap. We look around and no dice. It is nowhere. I'm not exactly sure how that happened considering how OCD I am, but it happened nonetheless. So, we cancel my debit card and put a block on outgoing calls/texts/data on my phone. I'm sad, but doing okay.
This wonderful girl (Kaylee Lockhart; sounds Mormon) calls Seth's phone and leaves a voicemail saying she found my purse! YES! We couldn't get in touch with her that evening so I wasn't sure what all was still remaining, but I was pumped that I wouldn't have to buy a new phone. I slept until 2pm on Saturday (I am a classy broad) but I woke up to the news that Seth had worked it all out with the chica and my bag was in her mailbox. Woot! I drove over to South Boston with Rob and TA DA!!! My purse was there with nothing missing at all. Pimp.

Lucky Girl Tale No. 2
Feeling jubilant (and with my Costco card safely back in my grubby hands), Rob and I decide to go to Costco for lunch (Just over $3 for us to feel stuffed. Yes, please.). After consuming a delightful churro, we depart. On my way out, I notice a new flavor of Sun Chips. YES! Peppercorn Ranch. Don't those sound scrumptious? I decide to purchase them for later. When I retrieve my spoils, they feel weird and extra light. So I open them up. WHAT?! Instead of grainy delights, there is a dollar and a coupon for an energy-saving light bulb. I'm assuming the dollar was there so people didn't get pissed off at not getting their chips, but a light bulb / Sun Chips cross-promotion? I get it. Both healthy / green living, but you know. Weird.
We go over to Target and I get the free light bulb. The packaging says it will last EIGHT YEARS!

I AM THE WINNER (and, apparently, an "ECO-SNACKER")!!!!!!


Anonymous Julia M said...

Dude! Such luck... <3

3:01 PM

Blogger ju said...

un churrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrro!

7:36 AM


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