Tuesday, March 28, 2006



I usually don't complain, but...

This lady wrecked into me last week, causing $1500 damage to my car, Bessie, and a few hundred dollars of medical bills to me. Granted her insurance company is paying, but it has put a huge kink in my life.

Also, I worked on this audio project for this class for a LONG while and it got erased.

Today, I walked to my bike only to discover: there was no bike. It got stolen from UT.

I am super stressed out- the neck/back pain from the wreck (lame lady!) is not helping.

I really need some stress relief.


Friday, March 24, 2006


Help me pay my medical bills!


Two monitors, a printer, a tape deck.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I am emotionally exhausted.

My sister, her baby Alexa, and I got to the hospital this morning at 6:30am. We were supposed to be out of there by noon, and that estimate was if "it took forever." Well, we ended up leaving the hospital at 5pm, to take off in to the wonderful Dallas/Fort Worth traffic. Her surgery went well, she is in pain- she wasn't allowed to eat all day (20 hours for a 2 year old?? Torture)... poor thing. As she was about to go into surgery (around 1:30pm), Crys, my sister, was trying to get her to go to sleep (even with major anesthetics, she still doesn't fade off very easily. Well, as she closed her eyes, my sister told her, "OK, Alexa, let's pray." So, they started to pray together- Crys saying the words, Alexa repeating them so adorable... as 2-year-olds do... "Heavenly Father (hebenlee fahdur), please bless that my surgery will go okay (peez bess my surgree go ok)..."

I couldn't hold back the tears. It's too much.

My 2 year old niece Alexa has cancer- neuroblastoma. You can read all about it through a journal that sister keeps: CaringBridge.Org - Alexa Aigner. It is really hard for the entire family- mainly Crys and Zack, obviously. I ache for them; it truly is devastating. I have been depressed about a lot of family issues this past month or so- I suppose we really have no control over any of these types of things. I have no right to be depressed, all the problems are not affecting me directly I suppose, but I am still drained.

It would be good to be taken care of.

I am returning to Austin tomorrow morning; should be back by noon.

My brain, body, heart needed this upcoming spring break.

Friday, March 10, 2006


I have been looking for swimsuits for a while now, and I finally found THE ONE.

It arrives in 7-10 business days. Barton Springs, anyone? I have never been.

Monday, March 06, 2006


What up, kids?

I have less than 3 months left in Austin. Crazy. If you ever wanted to date me or make out, NOW IS THE TIME. Haha.

Speaking of which (the date, not the making out), I had a pretty cool date on Saturday night. This dude Rob and I went to a improv play at the Hideout Theater and hung around his place- I learned about physics. Haha, he's a grad student in physics at UT, and I had him explain his research to me.

This past weekend was Time Out For Women. It's this women's conference put on by Deseret Book. Fantastic. There are speakers from the Church and a musician performing throughout the event; in this case, Hilary Weeks. I love her lyrics:

You are the light of His Son,
And running through your veins is royal blood.

Remarkable! The whole day was incredible, and I got to spend some quality time with Lisa (finally!).

So, I guess I should let all ya'll in on my life plans. I have been talking with a great contact, and it looks like I will either be producing records or doing professional voiceovers (or both) come mid-June. Life is moving fast, I barely have time to keep up.

I am purposely being vague with details because nothing is yet finalized.

Unfortunately however, Austin will probably have to say goodbye to Miss Colleen.