Thursday, November 30, 2006
Top 10 Hottest Disney Women
Thanks, Juan.

Is Jessica Rabbit actually Disney? She's super sexy and doesn't slave over a man?? Although, she could be flawed as a character since she does have that strange affinity for rabbits. Bestiality is not one of Disney's typical traits. Although... come to think of it... all the Disney girls' best friends were animals. Hmm.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Same-Gender Attraction
Interview: LDS Public Affairs and Elder Dallin H. Oaks,19491,6056-1-202-4-202,00.html
I often get internet jokes in my gmail inbox...
Click on these little links for a mildly amusing time. I really am only linking these because I want to get the email out of my inbox but still have access to them. I know I could just archive them, but then I would forget about them. And, you wouldn't be seeing them and chuckling at work, now, would you?!
Aggie Joke.
Perverted Joke.
Holding a Boob joke.
Democrats joke.
Drugs and Prisons are scary joke.
Kitty joke.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Volunteer at the Ron Don?
I really want to volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House here in Boston. I stayed at the Ron Don with my sister, Zack, and Alexa while Alexa was getting treated for her pinche cancer at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. It is a beautiful place and it is absolutely breathtaking to see what the Ron Don does for people.
So. I am looking for peeps to go with me to volunteer! We could either get a huge group together and cook for all the families (all the current residents at the Ron Don eat dinner together every night) or we could come up with some sort of craft that all the kids (and the kids' parents!) could do. When I was in Philadelphia, this lady came with all the supplies to make fun little ceramic coasters/tiles (I made one for McMurtry).
I would LOVE it if I could get a group together to do this. Maybe a big date?
I also am wanting to get a big group of people together to serve in the Bishop's Storehouse (link to non-LDS perspective on Bishop's Storehouse). I don't know how to go about doing that, but any direction would be appreciated.
I'm not emo - I just like this song.

I am a blue blood I will admit that.
I dance in blue shoes and wear a blue hat.
Live in a blue house, on a blue street,
in a blue town by a blue creek.
I write my blue songs with my blue pen.
I sing the blue notes to my blue friends.
Now I don't know that much about you,
but I like you because you’re true blue.
I had a blue dream about a blue star.
In it I drove there in my blue car.
And when I got there, I met a blue dog
with a blue tongue, we had some real fun.
We bounced a blue ball. It broke a blue glass.
We banged on blue drums and called it bluegrass.
Guess the thing I'm trying to tell you,
is that it’s best kid if you're true blue.
Once I had gangrene, I got it real bad.
And so the Doc came with his black bag.
I said "You know doc, I don't feel swell.
If you had a blue bag I think I'd feel well."
So he came right back with a blue sack.
He said, "Will this do?" I said, "Why not? Yeah."
That’s how I am here today to tell you,
that it’s best man to be true blue.
Out on the blue sea I sailed a blue ship.
I had a first mate, always had blue lips.
His name was Bluebeard.
He had a weird twitch.
We flew a blue flag on a big stick.
And we ate bluegill and we ate blue chips.
Oh, I felt real blue eating that blue fish.
Because there ain't much that I won't do,
unless it keeps me from being true blue.
Once in a blue moon there’s a blue sky.
I wear my blue jeans and fly my blue kite.
Hangs like a bluebird until the wind dies
and then the tears pour out of my blue eyes.
If it’s your birthday, we'll bake a blue cake
and then we'll eat it off these blue plates.
‘cause kid I don't know much about you,
but I like you because you're true blue.
Yeah, I don't know much about you,
but I like you ‘cause you're true blue.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Juan sends me the BEST things.
If you love "Grease", "Lord of the Rings", and Tenacious D, you will LOVE this.
Oh, man! As if ANYONE would dislike any of those 3 choices.
Friday, November 10, 2006
I am happy for the 90%
Pulled from the Metro on November 9, 2006:

I feel like there are many women (especially in the Church?) who are pursuing their education and career goals because they haven't been in the position to marry earlier in their lives. (As a caveat: Obviously they are pursuing these goals for other reasons, I am simply stating that this may be one of the reasons.)
My ladies of that persuasion- TAKE COURAGE! At least 90% of the men worth having are seeking their intellectual equivalent (or their SUPERIOR!). 71% think that makes you BETTER.
I refuse to entertain the idea of women who think they are worthless because no one has proposed yet.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Together we DID!
Deval Patrick won!
BOSTON Nov 7, 2006 (AP)— Democrat Deval Patrick, who led the Justice Department's civil rights division under President Clinton, overcame Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey on Tuesday to win the Massachusetts governorship, becoming only the second black ever elected chief executive of any state.
Something I always find fascinating: EXIT POLLS
Monday, November 06, 2006
Breaking up = Crap.
Close to number one on the list of the Top Five things I hate.
Cheer us up, Star Wars.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Dia de Los Muertos!
I love Dia de Los Muertos. I didn't get to post about it yesterday because currently my life is INSANE. I wanted to have a Dia de Los Muertos get-together... and instead of a party I did BAPTISMS FOR THE DEAD!!!!!!!!! If that isn't a hella good Dia de Los Muertos activity, I don't know what is. I didn't tell anyone that I was secretly celebrating Dia de Los Muertos.