Last night was Club Night at Emo's... Nobody was there. Thus, somewhat lame. BUT! There was a redeeming moment to the evening... Mellie and I went up to this group of people to promote the station and I was telling this guy about my show (Girl:"It's called Makeout Music"... Boy:"Whoo! I am good at making out!") and he was being cheesy and randomly slipped me his card with his number on it (apparently he was like some production guy)... Well, I blew him off because he looked 16... A very cute 16, but 16 nonetheless. So, whatever... The show goes on. Well, the headlining band finally gets on stage (The Stingers- some good ol' ska fun) and he is the guitarist/trumpeter/keyboardist, and most likely totally older than me (he had no X on his hand, I did.)... So yes, I felt totally sheepish.
BUT- even if I hadn't thought he was 16- we couldn't have a romance anyway because I AM NOT DATING ANYONE UNTIL I GRADUATE FROM COLLEGE!!! I have no desire to be in a relationship, and for some reason, guys don't believe in not being exclusive. You know, I always thought it- was the girls that wanted the exclusivity- you know, the whole "official boyfriend/girlfriend" thing. Nopes. It's the boys that start freaking out if they see you with someone else. LAME.
I have a bet with Brad- he thinks I won't last the full time until I graduate without an exclusive man. The stakes are 50 bucks. Please! I am totally winning... I only have 2 full semesters left (and the end of this one of course)!!! Yuck. Relationships mean trouble.
And actually, I don't even have a desire to date around either. Blah- I don't really have the time. I know that sounds weird or pretentious or whatever the eff, but I am a fairly busy girl. I work, go to school, do KVRX crap, church, shower (sometimes), sleep (sometimes). The free time I have is extremely precious and is only used for V.I.P.'s. That, and I don't really like anyone right now.
So, I have been in love with these Solar Shields for about 9 months now and for some reason, I never picked them up. My dearest Bean got them for me... aren't they hot??