Confirmation I am doing the right thing with my life:
A book that I bought the other day for entertainment is the sole required text for the first class of my Masters degree.
So, this past weekend was phenomenal. Rachel, Celeste, Diana and I all went on an impromptu camping trip in New Hampshire. We had hot dogs and s'mores (veggie tin foil dinners for Celeste/Diana - they are vegetarians. Just Rach and I enjoyed the bliss that is a campire hot dog). A good friend of Celeste's owns some great property and we were lucky enough to benefit from this beauty for two wonderful days:
For those of you who know me well (or actually... have just talked to me a couple times), you can see why this desktop wallpaper totally made my night!!! It will be a long time before my lovely Macbook shows any other image.
I have loved vampires since I was little. Its weird, I know, but true. Vampires and pirates. I was a pirate for Halloween, my brothers were vampires. And dang if my mom didn't do the best vampire make-up of all time. In 7th grade, I dated this boy named Jason. My mom made him up as a vampire for our church Halloween party... I was WAY too excited by this; I am pretty sure we kissed a lot that night. In fact, I have noticed that my taste in men is usually of the vampyric nature... tall, slender, brooding, strong jawed, black hair, pale, hard-edged and damaged (this is why I end up with punk or indie rock gentlemen... they usually fit this bill). In fact, here is a pic of my favorite boyfriend of all time, Thomas (ignore the baby fat in my cheeks and my blonde hair). TELL ME HE DOESN'T LOOK LIKE A VAMPIRE?!
Media Press Release:
Gordon B. Hinckley, the President of my church, said the coolest thing (of course, he's amazing):
Our membership in this Church, with eligibility for all of the blessings that flow therefrom, should never be any cause for self-righteousness, for arrogance, for denigration of others, for looking down upon others. All mankind is our neighbor...
Regardless of the color of our skin, of the shape of our eyes, of the language we speak, we all are sons and daughters of God and must reach out to one another with love and concern.
September 1: Move to Somerville with the most beautiful girl this side of the Mississippi.
So, I received this text tonight; a direct quote:
Thanks to the wonderful search that is Technorati, I found a lot of my cousin's blogs! Technorati finds the blogs which link to you; turns out - I have been missing A LOT of what my extended family has been up to! I updated my links so I can keep tabs on ya'll now. Hooray!
Juan sent me this FANTASTIC piece of what will soon be web-lore...
As told to Jenni:
Mooney recently linked to his "unrequitable crush list". Here's mine. In no particular order...