Wednesday, January 30, 2008

As I exit my home this morning, I see the bus driving by. So. I Book It like no one has every Booked It before (except maybe in elementary school with that program that you read books to earn Pizza Hut).

I make the bus! Hoorah! Out of breath (sad), I take the first available seat. As I'm sitting there (about 1 minute has passed) - I hear a woman say:

"Damn Faggot." (referring to our slightly manly female bus driver)

Then, a father on the bus (with his four-year-old child in tow) says: "Watch your language, please."

So, this is what ensues (I am editing most of the string of obscenities included):

Disgruntled woman from Detroit: "He [referring to the little boy] lives in Somerville. I'm sure he's heard worse."

Father: "That's not the point."

Disgruntled woman from Detroit: (flies off the handle) "Oh my ***, "faggot" is not a curse word!!! You live in Massachusetts!! You're used to faggots!!! Everyone here is so stupid and thinks they're so smart!!"

Father: "Okay, you're being ridiculous."

Disgruntled woman from Detroit: "WHAT?! People at Harvard can't even read!!!"

A lot of people on the bus, including myself: "Are you serious?" or "What the hell?" or "You're ridiculous!" or "WHAT?!" or "Oh my ***, please shut up."

Disgruntled woman from Detroit: "Really!!! Have you ever been to Harvard Square?? F***ing idiots!!!"

Me: "Crap. Looks like a lot of folks have paid way too much for their education."

Disgruntled woman from Detroit: "You're all a bunch of Massholes!!! No one is smart here like in Detroit!!"

Me: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Is she serious???"

Me/group of women sitting at the front of the bus: "Wow. She is."

At this point, the father and his child get off the bus (which is sad, because they were headed for the train and were still 6-7 blocks away). The child is visibly upset as the father tries to comfort him. Nice.

The Disgruntled woman from Detroit remains on the bus ("Can you believe this guy??") as the rest of us shun her for having an issue of blood.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Libra? Aquarius? Holla at ya girl.

Okay, so I finished the majority of my work already and it is only noon thirty. Thus, I decided to look at random horoscope crap before working on getting ahead in life. Turns out I need to be with an Aquarius or Libra - my two soul mate signs!

Check it:

Sunday, January 27, 2008

I love you, G. Hinck!

My prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley, died tonight. I'll miss you, G. Thank you for always inspiring me to stand a little taller.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tom Cruise is a C-Block.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Happy birthday to two of my VERY FAVORITE old people - my loving step-dad (Faux Pa) Tom and my darling Rose.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Reasons I am voting for Barack Obama...

Hope in the face of difficulty, hope in the face of uncertainty, the audacity of hope: In the end, that is God's greatest gift to us, the bedrock of this nation, a belief in things not seen, a belief that there are better days ahead."
Barack Obama - Democratic National Convention Keynote Address

So, I was at dinner with Jenni and Rob the other night and Jenni asked why I am voting for Obama (and why Rob is voting for Mitt Romney). I told her a shorter version of my reasons, but just in case anyone else would like to know, here they are (in a VERY brief summary):
  • Supports network neutrality (preserves open competition and gives EVERYONE the access to the full wealth of information available on the Internet)
  • Encourages diversity in media ownership (currently everything we see/read/hear is owned by five companies - NOT OKAY)
  • Holding government/businesses accountable for violations of personal privacy (we are currently living in a Big Brother state)
  • Will lower health care costs by investing in an IT system (why do we still have paper records?)
  • Reforming death penalty (i.e. required video-taped interviews with inmates on death row... again... why haven't we had this yet?)
  • Expanding illegality of hate crimes
  • Establishing a credit card bill of rights (will apply interest rate only to future purchases, prohibit interest on fees, etc.)
  • Super supporter of teachers (hello?! Why aren't the paid more???)
  • "Establishing new requirements for political appointees to discourage the use of public sector positions for personal or private gain."
  • Banning gifts to Executive Branch employees
  • Fighting wasteful spending by ending abuse of no-bid contracts (I am really sick of "All the President's Men"-esque debacles that people pretend don't exist)
  • Making White House communications public (Yes, please.)
  • Plans on talking with "friends AND foes"... meaning - we will work with people who don't worship the ground we walk on (that's new for us)
  • Promotes responsible fatherhood (crack down on men avoiding child support payments)
  • Creating transitional jobs program (gov't subsidized, as opposed to straight welfare... more closely resembles my church's stance on welfare, which I agree with)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hyberbole borders on truth.

Yes, please.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy New Year!

No posts since Christmas; sorry.

I have uploaded 18 million pictures on my Flickr site... here are some highlights...

On my trip home over the holidays, I was forced to evacuate. Meaning, I had to throw away or ship everything I owned that was at my house. Mercifully, my parents allowed three good-sized trunks to remain in the garage (containing my yearbooks, pretty much every letter I've ever received, a My Child doll, a Bright Heart raccoon Care Bear cousin, books I want to read to my future children, etc.). So, I got rid of a lot of stuff, which can be seen here:

El Paso was fun; I only hung out with my parents and Dave. My apologies to everyone else who inhabits there... I love you still - I just ran out of time (easy to do when you only go home once per year). My mom painted a portrait of me for Christmas!!

New Years Eve: watched fireworks over the Boston Harbor... awesome! (Christmas and New Years photos over at Flickr...)

Last Night: BARACK OBAMA WON THE IOWA CAUCUSES! Praise the Lord. I was telling my brother that I pray every day that Obama is our president. IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE!!!!

This is a lame post. I'll come up with something better and try again soon.