Monday, February 28, 2005




Friday, February 25, 2005


Be still my beating heart! It is David Hasselhoff's Crotch!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Katie poisoned me with THIS!!! I got home from working out for like an hour-and-a-half and she let me have the rest of it. Well, since I am watching the calories, I decided to just check out the nutrition information (this is AFTER drinking it, of course)... AHHHH!!!! There are like 283749328793847 calories in one sip! But, man oh man, it was SO tasty. Well worth the spoiling of the workout. Praise Strawberries & Creme Frapuccinos. ("Straw Buuurries")


Thanks go to Ah-lee for enlightening my life with this masterpiece.

This weekend turned out being really righteous- On Friday, I went to see Constantine with Juan at the Alamo Drafthouse- the movie was awesome and I succumbed to temptation and had one of those perfect Porky's Pepperoni Pizzas. Mmm... then on Saturday, I went to this radical party at Gallery Lombardi with Katie, Martin, Albert, Mellie, Yanneth, and Fiona. It was so awesome because the majority of people were totally rocking out dancing (including yours truly... what else do you want me to do with this round, sexy rump-shaker of mine?? haha.)... the band was incredible (Ghostland Observatory... check 'em out if you haven't already) and the deejay afterwards was awesome- she played some Joan Jett, Billy Idol, etc. It was great. And Sunday was incredible of course, church totally rocks. I love it... Oh, and Sunday night at 2 a.m. (so I guess Monday morning) I apprenticed on Fighting Music- the KVRX hard core specialty show hosted by my dear Noble.

These next couple weeks are nuts- I had two tests and a paper due today... next week a test and a paper as well. But then Thomas and his sister are coming into town (right after pay day, I might add) so it's tits- that's something I can look forward to. And of course, my show is tomorrow... listen up! 3-4pm @ KVRX.ORG.

I guess that's all I have for now. I try to make these posts interesting, but they always come up a little short. Whatever, you know you like it.

Friday, February 18, 2005


So, this was my first Valentine's Day in FOREVER that I wasn't dating anyone. It was kinda sad... I was at least expecting, like a call... or something... maybe from some random ex-boyfriend that I haven't talked to in years? That woulda been cool. But all in all- it was just another day. Too bad- I do nice things for my romantic Valentines.

BUT! I did get some pretty pretty princess flowers from a "Secret Admirer"... here they are:

Haha. Fun.

In any case- I am sick and tired of me being Christian being interpreted as me being "liberal"... I mean, some of my views ARE liberal, but some of my views are conservative, and some of my views are MY views alone. And- humanitarian aid is a Christian value to me... not a liberal one. Not like I am at all denying being liberal- I am just tired of the term being applied to me as some kind of detriment. Thank you, that's all.

I have been wanting to mix up ol' Infamous Dance for the past little while here, but somehow I am just not putting it high enough on my priorities list.

Today I found out that a bunch of girls that are totally younger than me are already married and/or getting married VERY soon (as in this weekend)... these girls were in the grade below me in high school and I knew them pretty well... it is SO crazy to me to think that these chicks are married- two of them have children! Can you believe it? Wow. It makes me feel really old. Well, actually- it doesn't make me feel old- it makes me feel like I am the only one with any sense!

Married with a baby at 20?! What the eff??? I don't know what's going on. I am praying that these girls aren't just getting married so they can have sex and not have a guilty conscience.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


SEE??? WE DO HAVE LISTENERS!!! (or at least web-browsers...)

So, this is totally rad... I got the following e-mail today:

Hi Colleen!
Thanx for including a cut from the new 20 Minute Loop CD on your Makeout
Music show (Feb. 2).
Just curious how you were able to get a copy all the way out there in Texas.
We are from San Francisco
but hope to get out to your area soon to play some shows. Makeout Music
rocks....Glad I found it!

All the Love in the Universe,
Mike.....drummer 20ML.


Also, in other unrelated news, I walked into the bathroom of the Undergraduate Library today and chose the last stall. Well, about 30 seconds later, a chick comes in and chooses the stall RIGHT next to mine... This wouldn't be a big deal normally, but HELLO?!! THIS BATHROOM IS HUGE-- there are about 932865496 stalls. I know that I am completely unhinged for being bothered by this, but STILL. I was terrified an escapee would occur. At least I'd have my camo-cough.

Sunday, February 06, 2005


All week long, every single weather website, every news cast, every newspaper, every EVERYTHING said that it was going to be raining all day today. In fact, it was totally more than just raining- it said 80% chance of huge thunderstorms.


Today was the only day I could shoot some slides for a Still Photo Sequence due in my Image and Sound class. Seriously, the ONLY day. I had to get a couch outside, and 7 of the 9 slides of my planned storyboard needed to be shot outside. At first I kind of freaked out... I really didn't know what to do.

So, I decided to pray.

And I prayed and prayed and I decided that I would fast... I fasted that somehow all the weather reports would end up wrong... Everyone I talked to said, "You do know it's going to rain, right?" or "Are you still going to do the shoot if it's raining?"

My constant response: "Well, it won't be raining."

I know that everyone thought I was ridiculous.

BUT GUESS WHAT?!?! (And I'm sure it doesn't come as a surprise...)

IT WASN'T RAINING!!! It was bright enough to take all the photos with the aperture that I was planning on and everything!!!

I feel so loved. It all worked out and Katie and Shane were perfect subjects... They didn't complain about being forced to wake up all early and move a ridiculously heavy couch. Thank you so so much you guys.

And- my special thanks also go to Lisa for the use of her camera and tripod... Amazing girl. Also- to Ryan (my home teacher!) and Juan for their assistance on Saturday.

THANK YOU ALL... I AM SO HAPPY! I pick up the slides on Wednesday afternoon.

Ok- here are some pictures from the event. I had intended on taking a digital version of every scene to reenact for you here on ol' Infamous Dance... but I totally forgot to take them today, even though I had my digital camera in my back pocket the whole time. BLAST. Well, the story was cute... I'll just leave you with some behind-the-scenes photos. And one of me to try and make up for the semi-hideous ones I posted last time.

These two photos are totally nasty, but I found it appropriate to post the nasty ones so you really know what it's like to be a Radio-Television-Film student.

This is one of the Bean. We took this after the shoot because I totally forgot about it. (Notice the sunshine? Yeah, that's right. God loves me!)

And me... excuse the nasty acne, but I felt I should post a real photo.

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Ok, so I know that these pictures aren't the most flattering ones I've ever taken- but I wanted to show my new hair... I just kinda took out the highlights; they were looking too gross- all grown out and crap.

Yeah- I know my face looks kinda weird, but the focus is the hair.