My heart is an idiot.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Well, The Infamous Dance / Pokin' the Puddin' Readers,

It's been a long road - filled with infamous dances and lots of puddin's poked. (It has felt especially long as I've been trying to post a couple times a day to insure we reached this milestone on this exact day.)
To commemorate the blessed occasion, here are my #1 favorite posts from each month over the past three years (old school photos!):
(Warning: Some months I only had like 3 really lame posts to choose from, so forgive me in advance!)
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004 and October 2004-B and October 2004-C
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005 *mentions Spanish professor pseudo-date!
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
AJSdhkfjhskdjh!! AMERICORPS Insurance!!! DIE DIE DIE!
Reason # 3849287 that I am SOOOO happy to be successfully done with AmeriCorps VISTA.
Freaking insurance! They didn't pay ANY of my medical bills! At ALL?!
I have been calling all over hell and gone to try and get this sorted out... trying to confirm that none of my medical crap was due to a pre-existing condition... they're all pissed that I had a breast ultrasound done... WHATEVER! I had to! I had a freaking lump in there!!!
Okay, I'm better now. It will all get sorted out, its just annoying. And - I shouldn't have to be doing this at work, for sure.
Okay, I love you. Goodbye.
I love that as of August 1 - I won't have to worry about going to the doctor... I just freaking go. EASY AS PIE! Hooray! I heart Harvard Pilgrim!!!!!!!!
My boss just came in to chat and I think she caught me on Blogger. Shoot.
Last night, Rachel and I went to see The White Stripes at the Agganis Arena at Boston University.
Ok. That said -
Ok. Here's some pics. Unfortunately, I wasn't willing to risk a.) getting my camera taken away, or b.) getting kicked out for having a camera... so... all you get are pics from the pre-show. Rachel got one on her camera phone, but (despite her spectacular photography skills) we couldn't really get any rad ones.
Jack and Meg White are hot. Jack is hotter. He had on these skin-tight red pants that were WAY TOO MUCH for my clean hands and pure heart to sift through. ROWRRRRRR!
All I need in life:

Monday, July 23, 2007
The Aftermath.
So, I believe Mr. Knifoon was the only person to express interest in the aftermath of the whole professor situation, but that's good enough for me.
So, as we left it, my Spanish professor had just squeezed my thumb.
The remainder of the story is actually not that complicated.
I never went to class again. As such, technically, I should have failed. (Language classes, in pretty much any university, require 75% attendance as part of your fluency is oral practice.)
Be that as it may - I didn't care and missed every class - about 24 in all.
I showed up for the Final Exam - took it, all the while trying to avoid my professor's eyes.
When I finished (in a hurried record time), I go up to the front of the room, turn in my test and attempt to dash out. However, he ensnares me due to others in the room. Assuming he would tell me I would fail, I dejectedly obliged.
However, all he said was this:
Professor: "Keep in touch. Let me know how your life goes."
Colleen (lying): "Ok."
I got a B.
Da da da da da... Mommy, wow! I'm a big kid now!
I realize that for some of you, this is no big deal.
For me - it's amazing! I am officially an adult!
I now have my personally funded (or Emerson gifted, thanks guys) - health insurance, dental insurance, retirement fund, life insurance, flex-spending account, etc.
I also know that I shouldn't have a crush on my co-worker. Inter-office lovin' could apparently be classified as sexual harrassment.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
The White Stripes!!
I will be rockin' out to The White Stripes with my Sherpa in less than 24 hours!
My love for Jack and Meg has grown with each passing day for the past 10 years and all that love is culminating in a spectacular sold-out experience.
Yes, please.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
As part of the 3 year anniversary celebration...
I busted out some HTML hand-coding and Photoshop.
Pokin' the Puddin' / The Infamous Dance has gotten a makeover.
Stay tuned for more posts - I need a bit more so that I can hit #300 on Tuesday.
Friday, July 20, 2007
I was this close to unwittingly being his Lolita.
First, I'll just say - I didn't know/realize it was a date until the very end... so keep that in mind. You don't know this is a date.
I went to Spanish class. The last one in the undergraduate series. It was about mid-semester, so my professor and TA knew me fairly well (I am outspoken in class, surprise, surprise). Well, this particular day I had red, puffy eyes and the sniffles (I had just broken up with Thomas, my boyfriend for almost four years [over a 6 year span].) I successfully made it through class, and I was walking out...
My professor (and chair of Spanish & Portugese dept.): "Que pasa, m'ija?"
Me: "No soy una novia."
Anyway, the conversation continues for a bit in the doorway, and the TA wants to lock up. My professor asks if I want a coffee at Barnes & Noble, his treat. I don't drink coffee, but I know there are delicious Italian sodas there and I want one and I'm poor, so I agree. Plus, his class is the last of the day, and I don't have to be at work until 6pm (it is noon at this point). We get to B&N, he buys me the drink I want, and we chat. Somehow we start talking about Che Guevara and how I want to read "The Motorcycle Diaries." We talk of families, my life, my interests, etc. Me, me, me (I'm only realizing now that he didn't mention any of his life, at all.). As we are walking out of B&N, Prof sees the book I mentioned, wants me to know more of Che (he is a fan), and picks up the book.
Prof: "Will you read this?"
Me: "Yeah, I will at some point for sure."
Prof: "No, if I bought this for you, would you read it?"
Me: "No, it's okay."
Professor picks up the book and takes it to the check out. He buys it for me. (Still have never read it, p.s.) So, then - we walk out of the store. He asks what I'm doing for the rest of the day... I say "getting ready for work, homework probably... then I work at six"... he says, "Have you ever been to the restaurants on Lake Austin?" No. "Let's go." No. "Come on, its beautiful." Ok. Fine.
We take the 40 Acres bus to his car (Yes, UT really is so big that you have to take a bus between classes... everything's bigger in Texas). For some odd reason ("odd" meaning - "he is my professor and could totally ruin my beautiful GPA if I am a punk"), I get in his car. We go to this great restaurant on the lake... I say I'm not too hungry, so he orders some Fish and Chips for us to share. We talk. And talk. And talk. He says all these complimentary things that I dismiss with a laugh and a roll of the eyes. At this point, its time for me to go to work, so we walk back to his car, and he drives back to UT's campus (I worked at the College of Engineering). He pulls into the parking lot.
Professor: "Its been really fun."
Me: "Sure."
Prof: "I'd like to do it again."
Me: "Uhhh..."
Prof: [squeezes my thumb]
And that's how I knew it was a date.
The thumb squeeze gives it away every time.
If ya'll are interested, I can go on with the aftermath.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Featured on Achtung Baby! -
My famous friend has a famous blog, and he had some of his peeps suggest songs/lyrics for a hosted DJ series of posts.
Here's mine. Check it out, friends:

A quote that I love, love, love, love...
"The Lord has promised us that as we search diligently, pray always, and be believing, all things will work together for our good. That doesn't mean that everything will be perfect or that we will not have any trials, but it does mean that everything will be okay if we just hang in there. Ours is the opportunity to 'be . . . an example of the believers' (1 Timothy
4:12), and the Savior has promised that 'all things are possible to him that believeth' (Mark 9:23). So believe in yourselves. Believe that you are never alone. Believe that you will always be guided." - Elaine S. Dalton
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Hello friends.
Quick update from work:
- Office: private, larger than my room (not hard to do, I guess, but rad!)
- Sent NYU my intention to be removed from consideration (I was still on the Wait List - whatever, Emerson is giving me a degree for FREE.)
- Came THIS close to changing my cell phone number to a Boston-based one (feeling more permanent.)
- Got free P.F. Chang's lunch (my boss rocks the world!)
- I need to do 10 more posts between now and a week from today - I would then be doing my 300th post on my 3 year anniversary of this blog (had a LiveJournal before this... yes... I've been blogging for like 5 years. Sad.)
- Realized my blog looks like shiz on Internet Explorer (I am a Firefox gal.)
Friday, July 13, 2007
Axl Rose answers prayers...

Emily Anthon forwarded me the following: Twinkie in Manhattan
My spiritual experience via Guns 'N Roses is quoted on a stranger's blog! Amazing!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Rachel and I were driving along, singing to some wonderful song, I'm sure.
Then, Cedric's Ship, my dear Subaru, gets pummeled by a FREAKING SEMI TRUCK - who, get this, stops in mid-traffic, turns on his hazards (thanks for the warning, I guess), then REVERSES because he took the wrong exit. He drives the other way - all we got is a plate - no state. Here's the damage. I'm PISSED PISSED PISSED and SAD SAD SAD.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
A. The Chipmunks are NOT homies. NO!
B. Simon would NEVER wear that hat OR those sunglasses. 1. You can't put a prescription in sunglasses that size (believe me, I worked at Sunglass Hut for 2 years). 2. They are SO not the style of a creature that can calculate the force of a hurricane.
C. Theodore looks like a hairy Notorious B.I.G.!
D. What are the Chipettes going to look like??! BRATZ dolls?!?!
E. The Chipmunks wear full-length manly tunics. NOT hoodies! NOT HOODIES! They would NEVER show off the chipmunk crotches. They are modest boys!
I need to watch The Chipmunk Adventure. It will relax me.