Sunday, October 31, 2004


The songs I was telling you about:

Postal Service - Against All Odds (Phil Collins)

Iron and Wine - Such Great Heights (Postal Service)




Well, this week has been fun. I'm not sure what I am doing for the actual calendar day of Halloween (as that is yet to come) but there were all kinds of costume parties last night, so Katie and I went ahead and took the pics of our costumes...

Here we are- good and evil.

And here's some close-ups for ya:

Oh, and of course the full-length shot (this self-promotion is getting ridiculous,isn't it?)

OK, that was fun. The first party we went to (Scott's from Thundercloud) was kinda lame (maybe because they were all this super close-knit group and we were just kinda random?) and as we were leaving, Shane, Michael, Daniel, and this girl Monica were walking up (the three boys were the Beastie Boys a la "Sabotage" video, she was a housewife a la 1950's) and we chatted for a bit, and then Shane goes, "Well, have a good night!" and gives me a high five. A HIGH FIVE?!!?!!?! How freaking lame is that? Well, Michael followed suit, but Daniel was the only one with any sense and he goes, "I don't do that sh**!" and gave Katie and I a hug. Dang right- the only one with sense. It was totally weird.

Anyway, the next party we went to was downtown Austin- off Cesar Chavez- Juan, Chepo, Chad & Jen were there, so it was better. There was a TON of people, and they all had these awesome costumes. Yeah, so the night wasn't a total loss. It was fun.

BUT- before all this partying- William and I went to see Death Cab for Cutie at Stubb's BBQ. It was TOTALLY AWESOME. Pretty Girls Make Graves opened, and they were good too, but I can't say I wasn't anxious for Death Cab to get on with the show. They did an hour long set, and came back for a 3-song encore, ending with "Transatlanticism"... it was wonderful! And, I hadn't spent a lot of time with ol' Willie in a really long time, so that was good. It was his first show, I hope he enjoyed it! I thought it rocked- and they played "Photobooth," yes!

OH! And as I was driving to get William, there was this HUGE dead dog on Mopac and I couldn't get out of the way fast enough, so I drove over it. Poor thing! So, I totally bumped over it (like a HUGE speed bump) and my car was splattered with blood and crap. It looks like I killed someone. Then, I think some innards got on the inside of my engine or something, because you could smell burning flesh. I FELT SO TERRIBLE... people said it looked like I was celebrating Halloween with car decor. I don't know.

Ok, and Friday night was 3 parties (the KVRX one, 2 south Austin ones) and they were cool... Katie and I weren't dressed up this go-round, though.

AND- THURSDAY WAS THE COOLEST!! Art Spiegelman (Pulitzer Prize winner for his comic book- Maus) came and lectured as part of UT's PAC Lecture Series, and Craig was SO AWESOME and got us tickets to go!! It was SO great! And Craig is so nice- he gave me Art Spiegelman's new book- In the Shadow of No Towers- which I got signed the next day at Austin Books and Comics...

Yes! It was SO awesome, and the lecture was amazing and made his wonderful new book that much better. And Craig rocks because he made it all happen- he also treated me to pizza and ice cream and brought some Halloween treats over including these cute flowers...

Well, I'm sure there's other stuff that I could go on and on about, but I'll just leave you with some stuff I wrote in one of Journalism classes. Ok, so we just switched our focus from hard news stories to feature stories, so to get our minds shifted to writing creatively- our instructor gave us random words and we had to write whatever came to our minds for 10 minutes- hopefully making some sort of coherent narrative. Well, here are mine... extremely loosely based on reality... my mind always surprises me when I let it loose...

First word: "Click"

Second word: "Brrr"

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Katie and I watched the lunar eclipse from Olive Garden (I owed her dinner because she did better on a art history test than I did) and then we left for home and took pictures from our apartment parking lot. We both took like 8736487 of the moon (or mooner eclipse according to Katie) but only one of mine turned out decently well...

We were trying to get the moon in the background, but it's just me looking psycho.

Me and my beautiful Bean.

Katie and I came in and took pictures of each other- the ones I took of her are R-rated though (she's in her skivvies) so they won't be appearing on ol' Infamous Dance.

Ok, I'm out. Test tomorrow in History of the American Revolution.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Monday, October 25, 2004


To preface this post, I have an insane memory.

Katie and I were talking about boy's last names and what ours would sound like with different guys we've dated. Well, I decided to make and exhaustive list of all the guys I've "dated"...

For this purpose, I am making the "dated" status for those with 2+ dates and starting in sixth grade (which would explain the fairly long list). I do hope I'm not forgetting anybody... oh, and in parenthesis (if applicable) is my commentary on that particular situation.

Colleen Kelly Anderson (first kiss; had color changing mole)
Colleen Kelly Alvarez (this dude was totally into Iron Maiden, weird. And he got me Son-In-Law when it first came out on VHS and then took it back.)
Colleen Kelly Carrasco (this guy rocked- he was a dj and had all these turntables- and this was in 4th grade! too cool for school.)
Colleen Kelly Griffin (kisses on New Years, embarrassed myself in front of his family)
Colleen Kelly Newlin (told me he loved me on our first conversation as "boyfriend/girlfriend"... he's awesome still, though.)
Colleen Kelly Fleming (ok, ok, ok... so we never dated, but I was obsessed with him from 6th grade to the present, so it totally makes the list.)
Colleen Kelly Goodwin (this dude was totally a Nazi.)
Colleen Kelly Gardner (He wrote this poem about being in love with me but said something about how he couldn't have me because I was with his best friend, but yeah, I ended up dating him anyway- I'm a jerk. or, well... we were jerks.)
Colleen Kelly Landerman (longest relationship if you count both times we were together.)
Colleen Kelly Wagner (We're still totally friends, it's wonderful.)
Colleen Kelly Godfrey (Random guy- was the lead singer of this band called Pro-Choice, ugh, and left me for this girl in my band in high school)
Colleen Kelly Heinemann (I think he hates me, but I totally adored him.)
Colleen Kelly Herrera (definitely the most dramatic relationship ever, but we're still cool.)
Colleen Kelly Luna!
Colleen Kelly Cross (another that I never dated, but he's been my best friend for forever, so I'm counting him.)
Colleen Kelly Bucheit (I think he hates me, too.)
Colleen Kelly [Rob] (HOT.)
Colleen Kelly Watson (Haha, this applies for 2 different guys, whoa. D & A)
Colleen Kelly Jackson (Awww... slick Willie.)
Colleen Kelly Minshew (I'm still debating how I feel about this one...oh, Chain, wherefore art thou? Haha.)

Whew! That took some time. DON'T GO FREAKING OUT EVERYBODY- most of these guys were only in my life for like a week, I've only seriously dated way less than a handful. I just included EVERY SINGLE PERSON that I've ever puppy-loved, hung out with romantically, etc. I just thought it would be funny to have a comprehensive list.

Katie and I agree that the one that sounds best is Colleen Kelly Landerman. 'Tis a shame, 'tis a shame.

OH! And I have a free airline ticket to go anywhere that Southwest flies (yes, frequent flyer!) so where should I go? I was thinking of going to Salt Lake City and doing the whole Temple Square thing, but I need to get a hook-up with someone there to pick me up and take me around and crap. Or, I could go to New York and make Chaun house me... or I could go visit Jami in California... I don't know!! or I guess I could visit my parentals in EP, but eh. Help me think.

Thursday, October 21, 2004


So I totally had a rejected moment today... I said the words before I could think of what I was saying, and by then I was too late and I had already exploded into laughter to the terrible dismay of my history professor. You see, I had snuck in some yogurt (late morning) and as I opened up the lid and attempted to taste of the strawberry goodness... I realized...


Well, crap. (If you have no earthly idea what the crap I'm talking about, I suggest clicking on that there link (on the word rejected) or searching google for rejected.wmv... ok. With that said, I took this quiz (another rejected item) and apparently I am a consumer whore- this I knew. I am the epitome of post-modernity.

consumer whore
You're a consumer whore! And how!

Which rejected character are you?

Anyway. I did some volunteer stuff for KVRX today, just posted some flyers around for Local Live. I am excited- Mellie and I talked about co-hosting a show next semester... we'll see what happens there.

I forgot to talk about my new aviators I got (who knew working for Sunglass Hut would be so freaking handy)... so here's a pic:

OK. I need to get some kind of internship lined up for this summer. I met with the Communication Career Center people today and I am just now realizing how much I should have been doing a LONG time ago.

I've been listening to Wu-Tang and Sage Francis a lot lately (I don't know, I've just been in a mood) and I want to share with you a nostalgic flow.

Sage Francis - Hopeless

Ok, have a good one. (Everybody always says that but I wonder what "one" is... it really could be anything... think that one over...)

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Falling in love is easy, it's falling out that takes practice.

So, Tom (and a bunch of other people I've heard) says that you have to get your heart shattered three times before you find the "real deal"... So, this is the third time, so I guess the real one's coming.

Friday, October 15, 2004


My mother diagnosed me with scabies when I went home. I went to the dermatologist this morning (I had made the appointment to check out my incessant itching) and sho nuf, I am infested! Well, what do you know? I think I got them from spending oodles of time with Dannon some months back, he was always itching, and apparently they take 6 weeks to show... haha, Katie had to slather on the medicine on my butt-nakedness earlier. Poor thing, I always get her into some crazy situations... but at least I will be HEALED.

Anyway, my mom freaked out and my parents bought me a NEW BED! They also got me new sheets and everything... I am totally spoiled. It's ridiculous. Here it is:

Jealous of my Spidey sheets? I bet you are.

Emotionally, recent times have been tough for Miss Kelly. Shane issues, Derick issues. Both are relatively personal, but I'll give a briefing of the Derick situation right quick.

So. Derick has been one my VERY closest friends since we were freshmen in high school. I always loved the fact that I had a male best friend without any weird romantic, sexual tensions. I never had to worry about what I looked like, I never had to worry if I smelled, I knew that Derick would love me just as much as ever. Well, I got a text message from him and let's just say (to keep things G-rated) that he is ready to make the crap out. This makes me severely disillusioned, I don't know what to do. I talked to Katie and Steve... I called Steve crying about all this crap... the Shane situation too... and he was so freaking cool about everything. It really helped.

I prayed for a while, too.

I decided to go running, and I ran over to Juan's. I am so happy I did. He made me feel awesome. He came over later and taught me all about newsgroups and stuff, I got some cool Wu Tang Clan action going on now... and I must admit that "A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar" by Dashboard Confessional is SUCH a great CD. I know, I know, I make fun of all you emo fools, but I can admit when something's good. Whatever. I'm out.

Since I didn't explain the Shane situation at all, I'll leave ya'll with a song which perfectly describes my feelings through the whole circumstance. If you listen hard, you'll figure out exactly what's going on in this overactive mind of mine, I'm sure.

Dashboard Confessional - As Lovers Go

Tuesday, October 12, 2004



These are some of the pics from the El Paso trip to catalogue my visit for you all. I have 938579324857 more, but I had to narrow down. There were some cute ones of my cousins and stuff... anyway. On to the show.

This is me and Shane at the airport. After I went through the security check point, he walked on the other side all the way to my gate, waving every time there wasn't a restaurant or something blocking us... it was really freaking cute.

This kid was at the El Paso airport, just chillin' in his Power Ranger suit. ROCK.

My house.

My backyard- pretty clouds, pretty grass.

More pretty clouds in El Paso, on the way to the Chico's on Montwood.

Glory itself.

Mmmm.... Chico's Dr. Pepper.

Mmmmm... CHICO'S!!! Jealous?!?!

This is one of the main reasons why I visited the EP- my cousin Eric married Ben's sister, Andrea. (Aren't they sweet? I was proud of my photo-taking skills...)

Me and my BEAUTIFUL Mama.

Me and the AWESOME Tom- "faux pa"...

And this is my buddy Ben- the brother of the bride.

OK! I am getting quicker at this whole photo post thing, that's good. Maybe the posts will get more exciting. As for me and my house, we will serve the homework.

Quickly, though: I NEED to go to these shows coming soon...

Bad Religion @ Stubbs, Oct.16
Taking Back Sunday @ Stubbs, Oct. 24
Death Cab for Cutie/Pretty Girls Make Graves @ Stubbs, Oct. 30
Holly Golightly @ Emo's, Nov. 6
Mae/...and you will know us by the trail of dead @ Emo's, Nov. 13
TV on the Radio/The Faint @ La Zona Rosa, Nov. 20

Oh my goodness, there are SO much more, but I had to narrow it down.

Thursday, October 07, 2004


Don't call my name out your window, I'm leaving.

I leave for El Paso in a while. Shane is taking me to the airport.

El Paso effs me up, but I miss my parents.

I am bringing Mike some Chico's... he lived in El Paso when he was a wee lad and he has a craving even still. NUTS. I guess I'll bring some for Shane and Daniel too, but it pisses me off when people are like, "THIS is what you're always freaking out about? Blech." We'll see. Shane and Michael and I are going to take a road trip to El Paso soon (which I am sure will be news to everyone except Michael and I) and then Shane et. al. can have 'em fresh. Maybe that'll be better. Whoo! Daniel and Katie should come too- that would freakin' rock... hmm... Spring '05?

Wednesday, October 06, 2004



CLARIFICATION: My brother Derek thought that the panties pictured in my last post were actually FROM Shane. NO NO NO... to clear up ANY confusion- I bought myself the panties, Shane got what's in the picture (the 3 skull items). Goodness! I would not accept panties as gifts from boys! Well, unless they were REALLY cool...

I met the screenwriters of "Dot"- Micah Schraft and Abdi Nazemian- yesterday. It was SO awesome. They are really talented screenwriters. Dot is being filmed here in Austin and Micah and Abdi actually have creative control on the film (very unique when it comes to the original writers). It is SUPER independent (only $1 million in the budget) but it is being shot with a new digital film camera so it should look REALLY good. I am totally excited!

In other news, I dropped my double-major. I was planning a simultaneous major in Journalism and Radio-TV-Film, but yesterday I dropped the Journalism part so I could
a. Graduate earlier.
b. Save more money in school loans.
c. Focus on what interests me more.
d. Have more time for internships.
e. Work for the radio station more.
f. An advanced degree looks SO much better than just a double major.
A lot of things were pointing to doing this for quite some time now, but I was just too chicken s&*@ to just do it (in the apt words of the Nike advertising team). I want to go to graduate school at NYU... we'll see what develops. As for me, I am out of UT A LOT sooner than planned (Not that I want to get out, I freakin' LOVE UT, I just am sick of school...).

So, there was this cheesy song on ITunes recently, but I was listening to the lyrics, and I felt it was a pretty good choice to describe recurrent undertones in my emotional psyche as of late.

Diana Anaid - Last Thing

I ended up really liking this song despite my initial judgment.