Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Colleen and Derick Por Vida!

Check out other random photos: Flickr Photo Stream


I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS! So, this website, "Love God's Way Ministries", states the following: "One of the most dangerous ways homosexuality invades family life is through popular music. Parents should keep careful watch over their children's listening habits, especially in this Internet Age of MP3 piracy." Okay, whatever. BUT THEN, the website goes on to list the bands that will "turn you gay." (I'll list those below, SO ridiculous.)

THEN - I get this link to a video that the ignorant organization produced. YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS: Donnie Davies and Evening Service: "The Bible Says"

TELL ME you're kidding with this!?!?! I am really hoping this is a gag.

List of "Safe" Bands

List of "Gay" Bands

I must be GAY AS H because I LOVE the majority of these bands. That's it: I'm coming out of the closet RIGHT NOW.

Bands to watch out for:

* The Spores
* Scissor Sisters
* Rufus Wainwright
* Merzbau
* Ravi Shankar
* Wilco
* Bjork
* Tech N9ne
* Ghostface Killah
* Bobby Conn
* Morton Subotnik
* Cole Porter
* The String Cheese Incident
* Eagles of Death Metal
* Polyphonic Spree
* The Faint
* Interpol
* Tegan and Sara
* Erasure
* The Grateful Dead (AIDS)
* Le Tigre
* Marilyn Manson (dark gay)
* The Gossip
* The Magnetic Fields
* The Doors
* Phish
* Queen
* The Strokes
* Sufjan Stevens
* Morrissey(?questionable?)
* Metallica
* Judas Priest
* The Village People
* The Secret Handshake
* The Rolling Stones
* David Bowie
* Frankie Goes to Hollywood
* Man or Astroman
* Richard Cheese
* Jay-Z
* Depeche Mode
* Kansas
* Ani DiFranco
* Fischerspooner
* John Mayer
* George Michael (texan)
* Angel Eyes
* The Indigo Girls
* Velvet Underground
* Madonna
* Elton John
* Barry Manilow
* Indigo Girls
* Melissa Etheridge
* Eminmen
* Nirvana
* Boy George*
* The Killers
* Lou Reed
* Lil' Wayne
* Motorhead
* Jill Sobule
* Wilson Phillips
* Lisa Loeb
* Ted Nugent (loincloth)
* Dogstar
* Thirty Seconds to Mars
* Lil' Kim
* kd lang
* Frank Sinatra
* Hinder
* Nickleback
* Justus Kohncke
* Bob Mould
* Clay Aiken
* Arcade Fire
* Bright Eyes
* Corinne Bailey Rae
* Audioslave
* Red Hot Chili Peppers
* Panic at the Disco
* Elton John(really gay)

My favorite part is the "texan" in parentheses next to George Michael. I guess that makes him EXTRA gay... AHHHHH!!! YOU ARE NOT EVEN SAFE IN TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 25, 2007


I leave for Virginia Beach in about 12 hours. I am SO ready to go. My darling Derick is flying me out to his place for the weekend, and I am SO freaking stoked I can't even take it. Derick is in the Navy and he was traversing the Earth for a loooooong time and is now back in the Mother Country.

Check out what I will be experiencing:

Yesssssssssss! Can you believe it? I will be able to be outside without my hideous poof coat on Saturday! And SUNNNNYYYYYY!!!!!!! Yes! Weather affects me SO much, and this weather is not quite Texas (it will be 65 degrees there this weekend), but TOTALLY warmer than the Beantown.

Male BFF + Sun + Not working = Joy!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Youth Action Summit and Other Lib Mumbo-Jumbo.

Cara Powers and I (the peeps over the youth program at Project: Think Different) held our first annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Youth Action Summit: "Lift Every Voice."

Here are some pictures from the affair:

Photobucket: Youth Action Summit

Also, this link was forwarded to me from my good friend, Jen. I thought it was really intriguing (despite the super stereo-typed images they use...):

World's Population: Proportioned to 100 People

I will be making a much more fun post about this, but SAVE THE DATE for 90's PROM! May 12, 2007. Find your dress and tux now. Oh, and feel free to wear a flannel over the tulle.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

From my very oldest friend in the world - Jamie Chesshire

I have a friend
Her name is Colleen
She has the most beautiful face
I have ever seen

She makes me laugh
She makes me giddy
She is so funny
So gosh darn witty

I miss her so much
Each passing day
Wish I could see her
Wish there was a way

I miss eating Ramen
Drinking yoo hoo fom a box
Watching questionable videos
in our colorful TOE SOCKS!!!

Best Friends for Life
Hetero Life Mates, if you will
My BFF spot is empty
That only she can fill.

My dear Colleen Kelly
Lover of my Mind
A closer dearer buddy
I will never find

I bid you farewell
Of course, only for now
Anxious for the next time
We pinky swear on a sacred cow!

(I love her so much, thank you Jamie - you are the perfect poet. Can you believe we have been friends since the summer between 6th and 7th grade?! AMAZING!)

For What's Up Magazine - 2nd Grade Romance

Second grade. Back-woods east Texas town. Chandler Elementary. Mrs. Listenbee's class.

I had buck teeth and thick glasses. I wore a Bart Simpson shirt adorned with the words "Don't have a cow man" that hung down to my knees and covered my elbows. I wore this lovely item over green spandex shorts with penny loafers and orange scrunch socks. I always had my mother pull my hair into a ponytail so tight that my eyes nearly stretched over to my ears.

This beautiful girl had a crush on this boy, Bradley Peace. He had surfer blonde hair that was shaped into a mullet style that tapered off into an adorable rat tail. I loved his hair - I would dream about running my vienna-sausage-esque fingers through those 20-30 hairs that hung ever so delicately down his back.

As things stood, I would never be able to inspire love in the object of my desire, so I fantasized about what I could do to garner his attention.

Walk confidently down the hall to Room 118. Center myself in the door frame and lock eyes. He'd lose his breath as he fell into my green eyes, made spectacularly enormous by the glasses that covered them. As he reached out for me, I would jump to an aerial backward somersault, followed by a perfectly formed cartwheel, then leap into a back handspring, ending the show perfectly poised on his particle-board desk - spandex-covered legs crossed with one hand on his manly chest.

"Hi Brad."

It totally would have worked.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Miscellany and Mishmash

I woke up 1.5 hours ago. Yes, at 2pm. It's not as horrible as it sounds - I stayed up until 2am, slept on the couch opposite Julie at Kylee/Marie's place for a couple of hours until time to take Marie and Preston to the airport for their cruise. Got home, couldn't fall back asleep, so polished my NYU admissions essay with all the edits my wonderful brothers sent my way.

In all the hubbub, my Gmail once again delivered entertainment. Some quotes from Bill Vaughan that I wanted to share:

If there is anything the nonconformist hates worse than a conformist, it's another nonconformist who doesn't conform to the prevailing standard of nonconformity.

It would be nice if the poor were to get even half of the money that is spent in studying them.

Muscles come and go; flab lasts.

I have an amorous affinity for establishments with hodgepodge booty for sale. Here are some in the Beantown area that I want to visit soon.

  • Black Ink in Harvard Square - www.blackinkboston.com
  • Magpie on Highland in Somerville
  • Joie de Vivre on Mass Ave in Cambridge - www.joiedevivre.net
  • Motley in Back Bay - www.shopmotley.com
  • Buckaroo Mercantile in Central Square - www.buckmerc.com

  • Wednesday, January 10, 2007

    Lying to people who love you = ANNOYING.

    Museum of Fine Arts - FILM

    Call me typical, but I am a sucker for foreign and arthouse films. The following are selections that I am planning on seeing this month at the MFA. Click for descriptions - If you're interested in any of these, let me know.

    Climates (Turkish)

    Street of Shame (Japanese)

    The Host (Korean)

    Woman is the Future of Man (Korean - I will be out of town! Sad.)

    Time (Korean - I am particularly excited about this one directed by Kim Ki-Duk, but again, I will be out of town.)

    Mirrorball #4 (The Art of Music Video)

    Sophiiiie! (German - looks Amelie-esque)

    I might skip out on The Host, but these are my for sure plans - TWO SATURDAY MATINEE MARATHONS!

    Saturday, January 13
    + Climates @ 10:30am
    + Street of Shame @ 12:30pm

    Saturday, February 24
    + Sophiiiie! @ 2:20pm
    + Mirrorball #4 @ 4:30pm

    Tuesday, January 09, 2007

    Buying South Beach food to have in your fridge just in case = Romantic.

    Thank you.

    Friday, January 05, 2007

    Holiday Pics 2006

    Check ch check check ch check it outttttt.

    Flickr Photos: Holidays 2006 Set

    Thursday, January 04, 2007


    Forgive the politics. I know most of my readers are loyal Conservatives, but I'm so pumped up about the new administration in Massachusetts; I just can't not post! I am a political gal, what can I say?

    Deval Patrick, new Democrat Governor of Massachusetts, 2nd Black governor EVER, 71st Gov. of Mass. He was elected by a grassroots campaign, which is encouraging because Project: Think Different (my work) works in a grassroots organizing style. His father was a jazz musician (Pat Patrick) and he was an attorney for the NAACP. This is also encouraging, because we just may get some attention for being an organization that uses music for positive social change and civic engagement. Deval also worked for the United Nations in Africa for a year before attending Harvard Law School.

    (As an aside, I work RIGHT by the State House where the inauguration is going on and I am watching the speech on a live webcast. The lag was interesting; at least I got to know when I needed to clap!)

    To the speeches:

    Lieutenant Governor Tim Murray:
    + "Dreams must not be deferred."
    + Affordable living - need our "best and brightest" to stay in the Commonwealth.
    + The administration is making history (and will continue to make history) by "innovating, adapting, and getting the job done."

    Governor Deval Patrick:
    + We are told that government is bad; that it serves only the powerful's interests. "Today, we join in common cause to lay that fallacy to rest."
    + He mentioned the "shared responsibility" of the administration (shared between the admin. and Massachusetts citizens!)
    + He became governor through an improbable journey, but "America herself is an improbable journey... we are most remarkable because of the ideals to which we dedicate ourselves. America was invented here [Massachusetts]... Our constitution is the most explicit in the nation about human dignity."
    + "As an American I am an optimist, but not a foolish one." Patrick listed all of Massachusetts' problems. But continued to talk of the creativity, ingenuity, skill, and inspiration of Massachusetts citizens.
    + "I see what we are capable of, not just from history, but from our character."
    + Massachusetts has been successful because of our "willingness to look challenge right in the eye."
    + "This State House is YOUR house."
    + "It's time for a change and we are that change."
    + "For every one of God's children who call Massachusetts home, let's rebuild this shining city on a hill and make it shine again."

    This very day 165 years ago, John Adams received a letter from a captive slave on the Amistad for freedom. All 36 captives received their freedom. The freed captive sent John Adams a Bible in thanks. Today, Patrick and Murray swore into office on that very Bible! (The Mendis Bible)

    Uplifted! (Pictures are forthcoming.)

    Monday, January 01, 2007

    Online Mii Creator

    I love the Nintendo Wii. Juan sent me this online Mii Creator.

    My Mii on the actual Wii (read that phrase out loud) looks much more accurate, but I thought this was a fun way to pass the time.


    Congratulations, girl!

    YAY!!!!!!!! PEGGY IS GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!